BLACKOUT + Someone Catches you two

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So this was requested by moonflower16666. Imma shake It up here so it won't be that your scared but I will keep her favorite(Zane) so that he will comfort you. The others will be well, different.
So much chiz at school, I swear I didn't even listen to any of my teachers. Because I'm that smart💁🏻of a intelligent and secretly a bad ass of a Latina only my best friends know.YAS. and now I'll shut up and now for the chappie.......
You and (insert your fav ninjas name here) were in the bounty. All in different places. You my fellow reader, was in the living room watching T.V. When all of a sudden...............................
When the lights went out you quickly stood up and tried to find Kai.
"Kai where are you?" You said frantically. Don't get me wrong. You didn't fear the dark at all but you REALLY wanted to know if Kai was at least OKAY.
"Yea in here," you heard a voice and realizing that it's Kai's you follow it.
"Kai?" you say and a pair of arms wrap around your waist and you melt into them, knowing its Kai's.
"Yea" he replies softly. Then he spins you around so now your facing him. Your both slowly, slow dancing. Then he spins you for the last time. Your heart beat goes faster as you know what happens next. Kai leans in slowly and so do you. Leaning, lips touch, and it feels like fireworks. Still rocking back and forth and well, kissing, the power comes back on! And you pull away to see at the doorway a disturbed Nya O.o.
"Uhhhhhh, I was just leaving" she said while Kai smirked and you were on the verge of laughing your butt off. She slowly backs away and then makes a run for it, 'probably to tell the others', you thought and turn your attention to Kai once more.
"Now where were we?" You say smirking.
You were on the edge of the couch, literally, as all of your answers were about to be answered on the t.v.
Then it was lights out.....
"NOOOOOOOOO" you screamed loud enough for Jay to hear you. He came in running to see if you were hurt. You were crying, legit no kidding.
"Y/n? What's wrong? What happened? Are you hurt? Do I need to punch Kai again?"
"No, no, no, and maybe" you said sniffling.
"Then what's wrong?" Jay asked.
"The power went out and now I can't watch the rest of my show!!!!" You say bawling again. And you could see Jay face palming even though it was pitch black. "Here come" he says holding your hand.
Magical time skip- to the power source thingy...................
"So, now what do I gotta do to get the power back on???" You say anxiously.
"This" Jay replies smirking. He then pushes you up against the wall and starts to well, kiss you. Not roughly though. And with the flick of his fingers, yes while still kissing you, the power comes back on and your suddenly blinded by it. You and Jay are in each others arms and let's just say a jealous Nya walked in and gave you a death glare. Jay noticed this and spun you around and kissed you and you kissed back and that jealous Nya walked out pretty pissed off.......
"The only one, my only one" he said once your kiss was done.
BLACKOUT. You get up and start running around like a lunatic and bump into someone...
"Hey watch it man" you say
"Y/n?" The voice says.
"Oh, sorry Cole" you say while getting up and also helping Cole up.
"So blackout? Huh?" You say
"So what do we do now?" You asked.
"I've got something in mind" he said while pulling you into a tight closet.
"Now what" you say dumbfounded. he says nothing and kisses you roughly. You let a moan escape your mouth and it was good. No GREAT! You and Cole keep kissing until a bright light fills the room.
You both pull away blushing furiously.
"Uhhhh, the powers back on?" A surprised Kai says.
"Ughhhh, 5 more minutes" you and Cole say in sync. Kai roles his eyes and slams the door shut.
"Now, let's continue" you both say, smirking.
(Let your imaginations run free)
HOLY CRAP ITS DARK you say to your self. Your hyperventilating about the worst case of scenarios and your literally paralyzed and don't move a muscle. At least you don't until Zane shows up.
"Y/n? are you in here?" He said. The sound of his voice makes you leap with joy and your run into his arms.
"Y/-. Whoa" Zane says as you leap on to him and make you both fall backwards,you on top of him. You finally speak.
"Zane its you!!!" You say with joy.
"What happened?" Zane says confuzzeled.
"Uhhhh, it's pitch black and I'm TERRIFIED of the dark" you say and start to tremble again. Zane helps you up and he carries you bridal-style, to what you think is his room. He places you gently on his bed and you lay down and motion Zane to lay with you. So he does. He puts an arm around you and brings you in closer to him and says
"Are you scared now?"
And you feel so comfortable in his arms and you just gotta say
"Not anymore"
And said with that he kisses your forehead and you both cuddle more closer and fall asleep in each others arms.
What you didn't know is that, while you were both asleep the power came back on and the whole ninja crew including the sensei walked in on you two while you were sleeping and they each took a picture on their cell and posted on (choose social media) and left you two sleepy heads alone.
"Lloyd?" It was dark......
"Lloyd????!!!!!" You say while trying to find Lloyd. "this isn't funny!!!!!" You say. Lloyd heard you, but he wanted to give you a heart attack. So when you peeped your head into his room and Lloyd jumped right at you, but you didn't know it was him, so you might have hurt him, which led to a bruse on his right shoulder. And yes, he did give you a MAJOR heart attack.
"Why would you do that?" You say angry and while trying to help up a half awake Lloyd, up.
"Trying new things" he said dizzy.
"Oh come here" you say dragging him into his pitch black room. You place him down and try to put some ointment on the bruise. You can tell he enjoyed you rubbing his shoulder, because he instantly relaxed with a single touch of your hand.
"don't move" you say and he relaxes even more and when you lean in closer he takes you and flips you so now that your on his lap and facing him he leans in and so do you and lips touch, sparks fly and.................
Then it's lights back on......
Cole walks in to check on you and he finds his little sister on Lloyds lap kissing.
"Y/n, m/n Brookstone!!!!!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs so that everyone in the bounty could hear and you fell off of Lloyd, while you both turned red, redder than Kai's Gi.
"I was uhhhh, oh forget it. I got nothing" you say giving up and Cole, your brother drags you away from Lloyd.............
"And you, green ninja, no making out with my sister!!!!!" He says while dragging you out and you mentally face palm yourself.
"What did I ever do to deserve this" you mumble.
Welp, I iz done for today.............
Now there is a shout out to.......
Drum roll please...............................................................................................................................................................................................................,,.....................................................................................................
For being my 100th follower

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