I worship you

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I shut the front door and finally eased off my stupid high heels, dropping my keys into the purple glass bowl on the hall table, and my handbag on the floor next to it, looking at my reflection in the mirror - it had been a hard day at work and it looked like it; my normally neat hair was falling out of its clip, my eyeliner slightly smudged, lipstick mostly chewed off - during the last tedious presentation I surmised to myself - and I looked just done with the world. I shrugged off my suit jacket and hung it on the peg next to the mirror and padded slowly into the living room unzipping my pencil suit skirt as I went, desperate to get into my pj bottoms and baggy tshirt and forget about the day.

Toms head popped round from the kitchen and he smiled at me, immediately making my day a little less horrible as his face lit up with happiness, making my heart swell at the sight of him in a tight grey workout top and gym shorts, all those sexy muscles on display and just for me. He pressed a glass of water into my hand and wrapped his arms around me pulling me in for a hug after I had a gulp of that refreshing water, beginning to relax from my day, as he pulled my blouse free of my skirt and started to undo the buttons, slipping it down my arms and throwing it onto the laundry basket next to the machine.

"I've got a surprise for you" he murmured as he pushed one of the loose strands of my hair back behind my ear, before nuzzling gently at my neck and placing the ghost of a kiss onto my skin, as he slid his arms around my waist, dipping underneath the waist band of my skirt to stroke the skin of my hip.

"And whats that then?" I asked interestedly

"Its a surprise" he repeated,  stepping away to pull out a blindfold from his pocket and dangling it in front of my face, with a devilish grin on his lips.

"Count me in my love" I purred into his ear, liking where this was going, my bad day already forgotten at the promise of a long evening in the bedroom with the sexiest man in the world. I reached out to put my arms around him, but he dodged backwards with a little negative tut at me.

"No darling, no touching. Unless I give you permission."

So, it was going to be like that then. I could already feel myself getting wet at his stern tone of voice and looking at his groin it was already affecting him too, a hint of fullness as he moved and the material of his shorts drew tight across him outlining his growing hardness.

"Eyes up!" he snapped. "You already look so fucked out, makeup smeared, hair mussed. I love it" he growled and I looked up again to his face, now with a stern mask on as he lifted the mask to my face and began to fasten it around my head. He leaned into me tightening it so it sat properly, allowing no light in. 

"Is that comfortable baby?" he asked gently as he ran his fingers under the straps making sure there was enough give. "Yes its fine" I answered. "Perfect" he said kissing me lovingly on the cheek "remember the safe word is roses, okay?" "I got it - roses" I answered. "Love you" he whispered into my ear before pulling back from me, my nipples hardening at the brush of breath over my earlobe, prominently showing through the sheer net of my bra.

"Hands" he ordered and I raised my hands in front of me, pushing my elbows together, making my cleavage even deeper. He pulled them together and began to bind them with the soft material, round and round, over and under, figures of eight round my wrists, tucking in the ends, then pulled me gently by the material so I stepped cautiously forward, unable to see where I was going, just a few steps, then I felt his arms under my legs and on my back as he picked me up bridal style and carried me effortlessly up the stairs as I snuggled into his embrace, and then into our bedroom, placing me next to the bed which I could feel against the side of my right knee.

"You will address me in here as 'sir' got that?"

"Yes.................sir" I paused a slight smirk on my lips

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