Praise You

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You'd had a wonderful evening out, a delicious dinner then a few more drinks afterwards at your favourite bar. Just a thoroughly enjoyable couple-y evening. As you both headed home in the back of a  taxi you snuggled under his arm, enjoying the warm weight of his arm over you as you rested your face against his crisp shirt. Content.

It wasn't a long journey but enough to lull you into a soporific doze feeling his warmth and it was a shock to step out into the chill air to get indoors. A small fumble with the keys and the door opened releasing a cosy warmth and the relief of being home. Tom undid his jacket and hung it in the hallway as you kicked off your boots into a messy pile ignoring the ever present look of exasperation. He did hate it when you did that, as he reached down to stand them nicely up next to the other shoes.

"Sorry my love" you whispered into his ear as you pecked his cheek sauntering off into the kitchen, missing his intense look at your sashaying hips. You wandered over to the kettle and clicked it on reaching up to grab the mugs from the cupboard in one smooth motion. You felt him behind you as you waggled a mug in his direction "tea?" you inquired.

"mmmm" he murmured into the back of your neck "I wouldn't say no...." as he squeezed you from behind, kissing the nape of your neck causing you to shiver as a small pit opened up in your stomach; you faltered before reaching for the jar to grab 2 teabags, just as the kettle came to a boil. Still attached to Tom you tried to focus on the job at hand, and not drop or spill the boiling water as you carefully poured it over the bags. "Can you get the milk love?" you asked feeling him let go with a mutter.

The carton appeared and you finished off the job handing him a perfect mug of tea as you placed the milk back in the fridge before heading over to the sofa and slumping down passing him the remote as you both put your feet up - his on the coffee table and yours tucked up underneath you as the tv lit up and Tom began to scroll through the channels trying to find something whilst you sipped at your tea.

No more than 45 minutes later you were both upstairs in your bedroom, Tom already laying in bed, one leg propped up under the covers as he watched you do your skincare routine. You could see him watching you lovingly in the mirror and you were overwhelmed with a feeling of absolute adoration of this amazing man - he was too good to be true, but he was yours and you'd never get tired of letting him know how much you loved him.

Shrugging off your robe you sashayed over to the bed and slipped naked under the covers, pressing yourself hungrily into his embrace. Smiling at you he turned the light off and laid down facing you, pressing his face close enough to feel your exhales, stroking his fingers lovingly over your naked back up and down your spine.

Oh but you loved this, as his fingers tickled and rubbed, massaged and caressed you began to get turned on, and looking at the sneaky grin on his face he knew exactly what he was doing to you. You bit your lip, holding back the sigh you wanted to give as his smirk grew and he moved his head forward to murmur against your mouth, "let me" as he bit your lip gently too, the sigh you'd been endeavouring to supress slipped out and he lifted his hand from your back to cup the back of your head as he began to kiss you, firmly with passion.

As he kissed you he moved to press you back into the pillow as his warm body,  a growing hardness on your leg, crawling over you till he was on top, supporting his weight on his forearms as he started to run his hot hands up and down your sides caressing you with total desire. As he began to kiss down your neck, pressing a quick wet dab of his tongue under your ear as he began to nibble at you, stimulating you as you in turn wrapped yourself around him, trapping his body with your leg, and arms scratching lightly at his back as he seduced you.

This was heaven. He kissed his way down your body, licking lightly along your collarbone, listening to how your breath caught in your throat with each new move, playing your body like an instrument, drawing each sensation out to reach the highest pitch he could. You tried to kiss back, to stroke, to reciprocate in some way but he dodged each move you tried, content to worship your body as he continued lower, licking a hot path to you nipples, sucking gently on the hard rubbery flesh, biting gently, just enough pressure to feel his teeth without hurting, sending a flash of need lower. The muscles of his stomach resting against your soft flesh so you could feel each one of his abs. So good. So intense as he continued lower, bracketing your breast with his hand, lightly pinching and tapping your nipple as he kissed your heaving stomach, so full of desire for this god.

Finally he reached lower, level with your groin he finally had to release your breast as he spread your legs gently looking up at you, keeping eye contact as he lowered his mouth and pressed a single quick kiss against your core lifting your legs over his shoulders as he began to make love to you with his mouth. His tongue flicking and twirling over your most sensitive area, his eyes closed as he enjoyed himself; you could feel his body shaking under your legs, and the quiet whimpers he allowed out against you resonated deep inside.

You were moaning and shifting against his mouth, closer and closer till you were almost there, and he lifted his face to stare at you with darkened eyes full of lust. Climbing up the bed and your body he pressed himself between your thighs  - you could feel the hot tip of him against your folds as he slammed his mouth onto yours before pushing himself strongly inside you. It felt amazing to stretch around his long hard length, as he pushed himself to the hilt, balls deep. He began to kiss at your neck, once again nibbling and biting as he slowly, so slowly withdrew himself from your body, slamming back inside. The violence of his thrusts exactly what you needed. He loved it this way. Thrusting hard but slow, drawing out each movement till your nerves were almost screaming.

Head thrown back as he began to suck your neck, you began to speak, unable to keep it in any longer

"Oh baby, you feel so good, you turn me on so much. Yes, there, oh my perfect love, so, so good, I love your dick in me, you are the best, so fucking good" 

You felt his body tense up and still as you babbled away, his head lifting from your neck to look at you, his eyes unreadable and dilated. You stopped, worried you'd said something wrong.

"Don't stop" he growled, "keep talking, please"

"I love you," you began tentatively again as he started to move inside you again, undulating his hips to almost dance inside you "Oh fuck, baby, there, just there, jesus christ, you're so fucking good to me, fuck, baby. Ohhhhh don't stop that's it, I love your hard dick in me, so hard and hot, so big, and fuck there, oh baby" his thrusts began to speed up, resting his face in the crook of your neck as you wrapped your arms around his neck, clinging tightly to him as he began battering away at you, slamming into your g spot with every single hard thrust, making you see stars as you continued chanting, not even registering what you said.

"Harder, there, so good, my good boy, fuck, you make me feel so good, so strong. Baby, ugh, need you, all of you, always, please I love you so fucking much. I need your huge dick in me, like that. You're so sexy, I love all of you so much. I love it when you fuck me like this, so good baby, so good, you make me feel so fucking good. Oh that's it just there, so big, so perfect. You feel amazing baby ohhh!"

He began moving even faster and harder, grabbing tightly onto your hips as your praises rang out through the room. Your body was shaking with pleasure as he lifted your hips up into the air to meet his rapidly pumping hips, as he frantically slammed himself into you, eyes closed at your littany as his mouth begged over and over "oh god, oh god, oh god".

Finally your body melted into his as you came so hard your body went completely rigid in his hands, shaking and lurching as his cock pumped hard against your g spot; it was just starting to get overwhelming with too much stimulation when he slammed himself into you one last time, letting out a huge grunt as he dropped your hips to the bed and fell onto you shaking, gasping for breath as his body shuddered on yours and you felt his hard dick spasming hard inside you.

You held him close to you feeling his body still gasping for air, feeling his shaking lessen bit by bit until he was still in your arms, still deep inside you. He began to press butterfly kisses wherever he could reach on your neck and shoulders, still unable to move or speak, but needing to let you know of his love.

Later once, you'd unentangled yourselves, were able to breath and speak coherently again, you snuggled into his arms, as they wrapped around you.

"Guess we're both discovering new things about ourselves my love" you murmured into his chest

"And I love it" he mumbled into your hair as you both relaxed into sleep, well sated.

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