Sub Tom

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I tugged gently on the long silvery chain in my hand, encouraging my sub to follow me as I wandered through the rooms of tonights extravagant party for those of, more discriminating tastes shall we say.

It was lush and lavish - an abundance of silks and satins, and pvc and leather, and lace and metal. Soft lighting, exotic cocktails, delightful nibbles - and not just the food either. Some of the attendees were positively delicious. My rule however had always been to look but don't touch -and that went for the sub trailing me at the end of my leash. No-one could touch him - just me. And everyone wanted to touch his fine, lithe, muscled, toned, edible body. But he was out of bounds - the thick braided leather collar around his neck and the chain attached showed this.

I looked back and admired him. He was out of this world. His body, glimmering under the soft lights which caught on each one of his prominent muscles - just enough, that you could count his abs and the stong dip into his v line which just started to show above the low cut waist band of his black combat trousers and boots. rugged and delicious. I dragged my eyes away from his enticing lower body, smirking slightly as the deep purple suck mark just showing at his hip. That had been a fun morning. Up over his arms loosely held at his side the matching leather wristbands with D rings set into them in case I wanted to punish him more, to that collar. He'd whined so much when I clicked it into place, so desperate to please me, and with relief that he would once again be safe from the grabby hands of some of the less well behaved members of this little club.

Then to his pouty lips, most often seen by the public set into a sexy smirk or a wide open grin, his strong jaw, then the mask - full face and hair covered leaving from the nose down open. The item that kept him anonymous. After all if everyone knew who was on the end of my leash, no leash or collar would deter many of them. How many would love to be able to parade around the Tom Holland, movie star, spider-man and willing sub.

I reached back to cup his cheek, seeing his sparkling brown eyes peering at me through the eye holes. He rested his face into my hand, adoration on his face. He so loved to play like this. I tugged gently at the chain and he followed me as I walked around and engaged in small talk with a few familiar faces, dropping perfectly to his knees in his submissive pose every time. He'd definitely earned his reward tonight.

A few drinks later I felt the need to relieve myself and headed off for the restrooms, sitting Tom carefully in the waiting area outside - handing him his own leash, something rarely done in our circle, but it showed the level of trust and esteem I had in him. Running my hand over his cheek again I pressed a small kiss to the edge of his mouth as I whispered

"So well behaved tonight darling, such a good boy. We'll play whatever you want when we get home tonight"

His face lit up in that familiar happy grin as he, pressed his face into the palm of my hand, much as a cat would. Smiling at my love I left to use the facilities.

A few minutes later, relieved, and after settling my ankle length PVC skirt into place, and refreshed my plum lipstick I wandered out to reclaim Tom when I saw a sight that made me see instant red.

I stalked over on my 6 inch heels and snatched the lead of my beloved from the hand of a drunken oaf who had his hand pinching the cheeks of the love of my life.

"What the holy fuck do you think you're doing?" I hissed venomously at him, seeing the tears shining in Toms eyes as he was mishandled by this stranger, his body shaking. I slapped the hand off his face, seeing a slight redness from how tightly he'd been squeezing his cheeks.

The drunken moron faced me, stumbling slightly as the odour of rum emanated from his rumpled face.

"Hey bitch, I just wanned, wanned, *hic* wanned to see that pout of his round my cock" He thrust his very underfilled groin towards us.

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