The Workout

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"Sure, that's fine, thanks for letting me know, I'll see you next week. Yep, bye" she hung up the phone and let out a frustrated sigh.

"What's up darling?" Tom asked through a mouthful of toast and jam as he lounged against the kitchen door.

"My trainer can't make todays session, they've injured their back. Guess I'm doing it solo today then"

"I'll train you darling, I know how the equipment works and I'd love to help you - you know I would." he said as he brushed the crumbs from his vest top into the bin.

"Are you sure? I won't be offended if you don't want to - I mean I'm not very good at it yet and I don't want to waste your time, and...." she trailed off under his curious look

He walked across to wrap his arm around her shoulder, "and what darling? you can tell me. if you don't want me to train you just say so" he gave a squeeze.

"I'm just, you know shy about it, I can't lift much, and have to rest often and nowhere as good as you. I wanted to get better at it before you saw me." she whispered.

He pulled her completely against his chest, hugging her tightly.

"Darling, I'd never be upset with you that you can't do what I can. I'm so proud of you for even trying to get fitter, you're amazing just the way you are and I love you. Let me help you out and if it gets too much I'll leave you be. Promise." he kissed the top of her head and stepped back holding her upper arms and gently running his hands up and down.

Looking into his open, loving face she nodded.

"Great, I'll fill up the waterbottles and grab a towel and see you in the garage when you're changed." he grinned and bounced back into the kitchen to rummage in the cupboard.

10 minutes later, wearing her yoga pants and crop top she self consciously sidled into the garage, walking across the padded floor as Tom put down the weights he was warming up with and smiled as he turned to her.

His jaw dropped slightly as he saw her stood there in those form fitting workout gear and she could see him looking her body up and down. This was what she had feared. Ridicule. She knew she could be thinner and more toned and was working for it and he was watching.

He couldn't believe what he saw - a goddess in front of him, every gorgeous line of her body wrapped up in that tight lycra, looking even better than she did when naked, he couldn't help but look over every inch of her with longing. Damn. He felt a stirring in his shorts and was suddenly glad he was still bent over the weights.

"Baby you look great," he said from the corner, seeing her worry in her face "do you have a normal warm up routine or..." he paused

"I've got one thanks" she replied quietly

He turned away from her stunning figure, focusing back on his weights as he tried to get his libido under control hearing her move to the treadmill but unable to get the vision of her thighs out of his head. 

After a few more reps he grabbed his towel and wiped down his face and arms taking a big swig of water as he turned back into the room seeing her jogging away. Unable to see her face he watched her back admiring the way her muscles moved so fluidly under her skin, and her ass. Damn but he was hard again just at the sight of her butt jiggling with the movement. Biting his lip he rearranged himself in his boxers to relieve the instant pressure on his cock and make it a bit less obvious. She hit the buttons to slow the machine and he turned to look out of the window into the garden hiding his expression of lust.

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