touch me, please

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"Are they behind you?" I asked as I delved into the shelves to my right, trying to find the box of collars which had been stashed here.

"Nope, already looked" came Toms voice from behind me as he opened another sealed box on the floor.

We were stuck in a small storage cupboard searching for the last box of dog collars made for The Brothers Trust, to mail out, but they had mysteriously gone missing. It was a tight fit but there were a lot of boxes in here. I went to stand up and turned finding myself face to face with him. Staring at each other wordlessly. It was almost a dream come true for me, being in such close proximity to him again.

I'd started volunteering months ago and gradually grown closer to Nikki and Sam during the long hours spent drumming up support and funding for the trust, and then Tom had finished his latest round of filming and was helping out too. It had been an interesting first meeting where I'd walked into him when I came out of the kitchen and promptly spilled the tray with several cups of tea down his t-shirt. I'd been mortified at doing so and utterly contrite that I might have burned him, but he'd just smiled down at me with those heartbreaking eyes for what seemed like hours and given me a cheeky smile, winked suggestively and sauntered off, pulling his shirt off as he went leaving me with the sight of his hard, tanned muscled back.

Back in  the cupboard Tom stared at me, licking his thin lips, as his eyes flickered between my eyes and my lips, before he quickly reached up with his left hand from under my chin, to cup my face as he gently drew me forward towards his lips as his eyes fell closed and his body pressed against mine - his scent overwhelming me, his right arm now wrapped loosely around my waist, his fingers gently rubbing against my back as I was drawn into his embrace, feeling his warm, tea scented breath against my lips as he pressed his gently against mine, so briefly, before he pulled slightly away from me to murmur "please" against my lips. I leaned forward closing that tiny gap and kissed him back, again and again, before I let out a tiny noise, almost a gasp as his tongue gently pressed against my slightly parted lips, before finding its way inside as I kissed back, finally wrapping my arms around his neck and chest, feeling the strength in that solid, warm, comforting body and embrace, as we explored each other, and I reached up to run my fingers through his unruly chestnut curls and he moved his hand from my face to wrap me even closer against his chest.

We eventually pulled our lips away from each other, wordlessly with pupils blown wide with desire, still pressed against each other tightly. I shifted slightly feeling his hard length pressed against my thigh and hip, as my hard nipples pressed into his chest. He reached around to stroke down my arm leading to my breast, when I pulled back slightly. A quick look of regret passed across his face before he said quietly

"It's fine, we don't have to do anything you don't want to....."

 Tom stepped forward so we were pressed together again, "Just let me know when its too much." as he leaned back in slowly, kissing me again, running his hands across my back as he started to kiss along my jaw line, biting gently on my ear lobe, causing me to let out a moan. I let him kiss all along my neck, one of my most sensitive areas before I reached up and began stroking my hands down his strong arms, feeling the veins standing above his skin, then along his side, reaching slightly under the hem of his t-shirt to feel the silky warm skin of his abdomen and those defined muscles, tracing the top line of his boxers. This made him take in a deep shuddering breath, letting me know I wasn't the only one feeling crazy with desire. 

I began to slide down his body and he let me go with surprise as I pushed him gently back to lean against the wall, avoiding the boxes on the shelves, and lifted his shirt to replicate my previous caress but with my lips and tongue as I sucked hard on the velvety skin covering his hip bone, leaving a dark bruise. He moaned out loud and I could feel the heat rising from his hard on trapped in his jeans and grew bolder.  I knelt down properly and began to unbutton his jeans looking up through my messy hair into his eyes, keeping constant eye contact as I worked by touch, kissing down from his hip across his stomach getting lower and lower down the trail of fine hair. As the cooler air hit his cock he whimpered and I reached to pull his jeans further down, along with his black boxers, feeling how wet he was, leaking so much through the material. I pulled the material over and down to mid thigh and there he was exposed completely, staring into my eyes with his thick cock out, dripping, almost panting and chewing on his lip as he tried to control himself.

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