Yes Sir!

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came the quiet command from behind me and instantly I dropped to my knees, my hands behind my back crossed at the wrist, looking down at the beige carpet under me. Waiting for the next command.

I could see his naked feet and the bottoms of his dark trousers as he walked a circle around me, passing from my vision behind me, as I tensed involuntarily, waiting.

Then I felt the trailing leather of the crop run along my shoulder and down my spine and I shivered slightly at the tickling sensation.

"You remember the safe word?" came the demand

"Roses, sir" I stated, not raising my head or moving away from the pressure of the crop now tickling over the soles of my feet. He rarely used the crop for its intended purposes and more for teasing and as now, illustrating a point; he hated actually hurting me and it had taken us months to build to where he was comfortable with his dom side and that I, as his sub would always let him know if it was going too far. As with all healthy BDSM relationships, I was effectively the one in charge of him - well to a point. If I safeworded, then we were done for the night, no argument.

He hummed in response before carefully pulling my hair up off my face into a high ponytail, as I kept my eyes on the ground, and smiled at the sensation of the thick leather collar he was carefully affixing around my neck - so this was the game of the night. I could feel myself getting wet at the anticipation. He only ever put on the collar when he was feeling particularly dominant.

I could feel the warmth of his hand as he caressed around my throat, running his fingers in between the collar and my skin, making sure it was loose enough. I wanted to lean into his hand to kiss the rough skin of his palm, but kept to my place. Moments later he stood back pulling pleasureably at my hair to get me to my feet. I stood, stumbling slightly to feel the added pressure on my scalp as he tutted. I knew he knew I had done that on purpose. My hands still extended behind me were grasped in his other hand as he dropped my hair to hiss into my ear

"You will not do that again" I nodded as he pinched my cheeks in his grasp causing me to pout. "I will gag you" he stated dispassionately as he ran his fingers across my lips then pushed them into my slightly open mouth.

"Suck". I began to mouth at his fingers licking and sucking on them making them as wet as I could, looking carefully up from under my eyelashes at the anticipatory gleam in his eye. After a few moments he removed his fingers and reached down towards my groin and I inhaled deeply in anticipation of him using those damp fingers on me. But it never came and I sagged in disappointment as he wiped them off on his trousers. He moved behind me and using one of the velvet scarves we had for just this purpose, he began to bind my wrists, careful not to pull too tight so he could release them easily if needed.

Once they were bound he began to circle me again using the crop to run across and up and down all over my skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind as he teased me.

"Look at me" he demanded. I raised my eyes to his seeing them darken even further from their usual rich chocolate, his curls tumbled down messily, sexily over his forehead, as he stood in front of me, and not breaking eye contact he stroked the crop down in a Y shape from my shoulders directly across my nipples which hardened further under the light pressure of the leather tongue. He trailed it down across my stomach and teased it across my tuft of pubic hair, causing me to gasp and close my eyes briefly, breaking our intense eye contact. 

I could hear him tut loudly at that and brought the crop up to tap it lightly against my nipples, a tiny slap, not really painful at all more stimulating than anything and I bit my lip to keep my gasp in at the wonderful tingling sensation the taps caused down low in my groin. He stepped away walking behind me so I couldn't see him, heightening everything further. Then a burst of heat and pain as I received one slap on each buttock. The tingling intensified and I fought not to close my legs and squeeze for some relief, knowing this was how he wanted the game to go. He wanted me to give in and get punished and I was intent on drawing it out for longer.

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