Thigh Riding

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This press event was long and very boring, not aided by the warmth of the summer day. At least I was relatively cool in my cotton sun dress, but poor Tom was being bundled in and out of coats and jumpers and all sorts for various photos. I had no idea why this had to be done and now, but there was only an hour left till the last of the scheduled interviews, and then freedom to head back to our hotel room. I sat there idly fanning myself with the contact sheet someone had abandoned, listening to Tom being asked the same old questions and marvelled at how he seemed genuinely excited to answer it. Again. For the third time today. I looked over to see him in the final outfit of the day, a smartish polo shirt and dark trousers and then they handed him a pair of glasses and my interest shot through the roof.

I loved it when he wore glasses, there was just something so sexy about him in them and it never failed to turn me on, something he was very aware of given the number of times I had come out of the bathroom to see him sat in bed waiting, just wearing glasses. Damn it. I squirmed in my seat and as I looked over I could see him trying to hide his smirk as he carefully pushed the glasses more firmly onto his face, keeping eye contact with me.

I paid attention to this last interview, admiring the way he danced through and around the difficult questions, waiting till they were done and he could unhook the microphone and battery pack, handing them off to the sound engineer and shaking hands with those still in the room. He nodded at me as he walked back towards the room he'd been given to change in, and I swiftly followed.

I stood there looking at his fine form in front of me, the long muscles of his back flexing as he pulled on his pair of fitted black trousers, covering the tight muscles of his butt outlined wonderfully in his dark grey boxers; and then the button up shirt to cover his chest, I pouted slightly as he hid that from view, but then saw he had kept the glasses. I stalked over to where he had sat down and plonked myself astride him, my dress long enough to cover me decently.

I leaned in to kiss along his defined jaw line, inhaling his cologne and the smell of him and fabric softener as I muttered to him

"You are too fucking sexy with glasses on, who said you could look that fine for the whole world. You know how much these turn me on" I said pulling the glasses off to dangle them in front of his face, before putting them on myself, sliding them right down my nose so I could stare at him sultrily over the rims.

He shifted at my words, taking the glasses back, obviously turned on and I slipped sideways on his lap, one of his legs slipping between mine as we moved, pressing up against me causing me to whimper slightly at the firm contact creating a delicious friction as we moved. Tom smirked at me as he pushed harder with his thigh against my groin pulling me closer with his arms as my body shivered at the pressure and tingling running through me. I gasped as the feeling intensified and pleasure shot through me, as I was almost clinging onto his arms to hold myself upright, legs holding his thigh between mine to keep the sensations going.

"Lets go" he grunted into my ear helping me to my feet to escort me from the room. No-one was watching us but we needed to leave so we skirted the last few crew, heading for the lift up to our room. We stood apart enough to be convincing that we were just colleagues if you ignored the slight red flush over my chest and heavy breathing and Toms fidgeting and the suspicious tightness of his trousers. We exited last and he took my hand walking briskly to our room using the keycard and shutting the world outside.

As soon as the door shut he pressed himself back against me, inserting his thigh back between mine as I squeezed my legs together trying to get some friction as he slowly began to flex the muscle tight against me. He began to kiss me as he undid his shirt stripping to just his tight tailored trousers. I could feel his hands running over my back and arms as he continued to rub his thigh against me.

The huge bed, slightly rumpled was beckoning and Tom sat down, pushing up my dress around my waist, pulling me astride his muscled leg.

"I want you to ride it, keep riding my thigh. I want to feel you sliding against me." He moaned and began to grip my hips pushing me back and forth as my groin slid across his leg my thigh and knee occasionally brushing against his crotch and the hardness there; I reached up holding onto his shoulders for balance as my white silk underwear glided over his trousers and against my clit, sending powerful sensations through me, bolts of pure ecstacy as he moved me,

"That's it baby, just like that, I want you to lose yourself on my leg, just my leg. God, you turn me on so fucking much, yes, like that" He groaned out loud, his trousers so tight I could see every inch of his solid erection pressed against the zip. 

"Yes, baby! Harder, don't stop moving, uhh" as my movements became faster, the feeling unbelievable as he flexed his thigh in time with my sliding, his trousers growing wetter and wetter as I dripped onto his leg. "I want you to come on my leg, that's it, come all over my leg" he moaned into my ear before biting once sharply on my earlobe. As the sensations peaked against me I moaned out his name as each progressive slide forward and back added and added until finally the knot in my stomach grew too tight to bear and I came, hard, dripping all over his leg as my body clenched around nothing and I fell gasping against his strong chest, his hands holding tight onto my still clothed hips.

It took me a few moments to get my breathing under control enough to move off his leg, looking down at his ruined trousers then slightly higher to see his still hard erection pushing insistently at the zip of his trousers. I placed my hand over it squeezing lightly as he moaned loudly under me, I unzipped him as I knelt at the foot of the bed. His cock almost exploded out of the fly as I felt the soaked material of his clothes. Wasting no time I sucked his painfully hard dick into my mouth.

"Yesss, oh god, so good, ugh, yes I won't last, please" he begged me, eyes closed and fists clenched into the duvet.

As I ran my tongue delicately around the head, using the tip to place pressure on the sensitive spot just underneath as I slowly moved my head back and forth, sucking slowly, enjoying the rigid shaft in my mouth, and the taste that was uniquely him. I looked up across his naked muscled chest, now complete with a couple of scratches where I'd caught him as I'd fallen, to his darkened expression looking down at me, still wearing those sexy glasses, as he began panting and thrusting upwards desperate to cum.

 I'd never felt him this hard, guess he had a thigh riding kink - I'd be using that to my advantage I thought as I I cradled and fondled his balls, causing him to mutter "fuck" and thread one of his hands into my hair to move my head back and forth. I continued sucking and licking, letting him direct me, faster and faster , carefully licking on the upstroke as he pulled roughly at my hair desperately trying to keep control until he moaned my name as his cock stiffened further in my mouth and spewed his hot cum down my throat as I swallowed around him. I held him in my mouth as his breathing calmed and he began to soften. He let go of my hair and I crawled onto the bed where he'd fallen backwards, pulling off his trousers and wet boxers, dropping them on the floor, pulling off my dress and soaked pants, before lying naked on top of the covers, enjoying the cool breeze from the AC as it played across our sweaty skins.

"So, thigh riding?" I asked with a grin as I turned onto my front propping my head up in my hands looking at the vision before me.

"So, glasses?" he said back

"No deal, you already know how much I love the glasses. Your turn, what gives?" We were both very open about our turn ons and kinks and had spent many a fine afternoon, showering together, using various sex toys, taking private photos, and at his request an interesting session of cockwarming.

"I don't know." he said turning on his side so he could slide his hand up and down the soft skin of my back. "I saw some porn with it in a while back and I just felt like giving it a go, and I've got to say baby, you looked and felt amazing, I didn't know it would turn me on that much, but yeah. I'd very much like to do that again one day" he leaned in to place a soft kiss on my shoulder.

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