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He was back home. Finally after weeks away he was back home and more importantly he was back, solid and muscular and in your arms again, your face pressed into his curly mop, breathing in the scent of his sandalwood shampoo, stray stands tickling at your cheeks as you revelled in him. His arms wrapped tightly around your waist as he sat on the arm of the  sofa, his face firmly against your stomach. You could feel his jaw working as he mouthed words you couldn't hear, and felt a warm dampness as his happy tears seeped into your shirt.

You'd missed him so fucking much. From the moment he'd left for reshoots your heart had ached at his loss. Your bed cold and unwelcoming, the sofa empty and bleak, his warm prescence gone. Everything seemed duller when he was away, the coffee not as warming, the tv less amusing, the nights longer and colder. Definitely emptier.

But he was back and you couldn't be happier. His warmth seeped into you and into your bones as you held onto each other, silent just the rhythm of your breathing and the faint whisper as you ran your fingers through his curly hair, relishing the softness of the strands, how they fell and parted around your digits. It was home. His soft breath fanned across your stomach through your top as he nuzzled against you.

Suddenly a soft press of lips against your bare hip, just in the gap between your shirt and baggy shorts, the warm dampness  of his lips catching against your skin as he parted them to dab his tongue there, licking a quick line over the bone as he tilted his head to look up at you through his eyelashes. That wicked glint in his eye, sparkling as he drew circles with his tongue, eyes daring you to stop him. You shivered at the sensations tingling through your body, nipples springing tight, poking against the thin material of your shirt, as a growing heat below had your head beginning to spin and your breath to shorten.

You'd missed this too. The way he could play with your body, plucking delicious notes across your nerves and make you scream.

Now you noticed the bulge in his joggers, a significant tent at his groin as he continued to kiss your lower stomach, teasing you for all he was worth. You loved these home coming reunions.

Stepping back from him you reached for his hand and tugged him to his feet before pressing yourself back into his embrace feeling the length of his warm body against yours, the lump at his groin even more present against your lower body as you craned your head to kiss him, wanting those luscious lips against yours.

Demandingly you kissed him hard, pushing your tongue hungrily into his mouth as he held you tightly to him, his hips thrusting uncontrollably against you. Moaning together you, reached down to palm his insistent erection, squeezing around his hard shaft through his clothes. He threw his head back as a loud groan fell from his lips. You kissed down the column of his neck, pecking soft, open mouthed, nibbling at his skin, scraping carefully with your teeth as he moaned again at the feelings you were bringing to him.  

Desperate to feel you slid your had inside his clothing, under his boxers to wrap around that hot, hard, leaking length which was twitching in your grasp. Slipping him out of his clothes you began to rub him, his hips thrusting forward once again as he thrust up into your hand uncontrollably, your hand gliding along, up and over the head with a small twisting motion that you knew always brought him to his knees. You'd barely managed this move twice when he moved, swinging you round and pressing you back down onto the sofa where he almost fell on top of you, kissing feverishly at your face, neck, chest, wherever he could reach as he scrabbled for the top of your shorts, pulling them along with your pants just low enough that he could settle himself between your legs.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Finally, with no ceremony he urgently pushed his length inside you, his face pressed into the crook of your neck, as his hips moved constantly desperate for stimulation. You sighed at the feel of him inside you, having missed that feeling of fullness.  Then just seconds later Tom let out a loud groan and his body stilled tight against you as you felt his dick twitching inside you as he came.

You lay there, staring at the ceiling, Tom's body collapsed onto yours as his chest heaved for air. 

What the hell was that?  Your arms loosely around his body fell to the sofa, so much for a long reunion.

Tom lifted his reddened face from your neck and sheepishly looked at you.

"m sorry. I couldn't help it. I've been thinking of our reunion for so long and you're just so sexy I lost control.  Your body just excites me too much," he kissed along your collarbone. "I'll make it up to you"

He withdrew his semi hard cock and shifted so he was lying behind you as you kicked off your shorts and pants, holding you tightly to his body as his hands roamed across your chest, reaching under the edge of your vest, pinching, at your hard nipples eliciting bursts of intense pleasure before he began to slide his fingers up and down your inner thighs, lifting your leg and pulling it back slightly to rest on his so you were exposed to him, easier for him to continue tickling, stroking, lightly scratching as he moved higher, and higher, his fingers slipping between your lips as he began to stroke your clit, so carefully, delicately, dipping down to gather lubrication, a finger slipping inside you, thrusting forcefully, rubbing at your g spot as he continued to stroke you.

Your body relaxed against his, you melted into his touch enjoying his strong arms as you felt the muscles flex against you as he focused, intent on pleasuring you, his soft lips kissing in that one spot just behind your ear. You began to clench around his finger as he drove you closer and closer to the edge. He shifted slightly and you could feel his hardness pressing against you again.

"Fuck me again Tom, please. I want to feel you inside me again" you whispered, as tingles began throughout your body. With a few wriggles he was positioned behind you and his hard length slipped inside you again. You sighed at that fullness again then moaned as he shifted slightly and his dick began to rub just there, over your g spot in a perfect amount of pressure and friction. He continued to hold you back against his chest, his fingers still tapping, stroking, gliding over that sweet spot as his dick did its work inside.

You were clenching over and over around his cock, feeling every vein and ridge on it as he slowly moved his hips against your thighs, thrusting in and out with perfect rhythm.

"God Tom, thats it, just there. So good, please. So close" you whimpered out loud as he continued his gentle torture, keeping to the same pace and pressure. It was perfect, you forgot his earlier performance as he made it all up to you and more as you reached, and reached and finally fell over that edge, your whole body clenching, shaking, spasming with utmost pleasure, sparks racing across every nerve ending as you held tight onto his forearms. Finally falling back to earth you felt his hips once again stutter to a halt as he cried out his release, muffled by your hair, and you felt his entire body quiver against yours.

Now this was the reunion you'd hoped for.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

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