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"Babyyyyyy" Tom whined at me as he crouched down behind the sofa I was sitting on, resting his chin on the back as he gave me his very best puppy dog eyes.

Closing my book with a small sigh I twisted so I could face him, a happy smile appearing on his face as I gave him my full attention.

"What can I do for you my love?" I asked, noting the gleam in his eye which normally meant one thing.

He stood and jumped over the back of the sofa landing with a thump next to me as I gave him a look - I'd been asking him to stop doing that. Today was not the day he was going to obviously. He snuggled up against me, running his fingers softly up and down my leg as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Can we play darling?" he asked inquisitively, stroking his fingers higher and higher up my leg, moving to the inside of my thighs.

Nailed it, I thought to myself as I reached up to stroke my fingers through his chestnut waves, feeling the silky strands tickling my skin.

"What do you want to play?" I asked noting a bulge in his pants - he was all ready to go it seemed and I couldn't wait to see what he wanted to play this time. I had to admit we were both pretty adventurous in bed, very little was out of bounds and we'd had some amazing sessions exploring vaious kinks and role plays. I knew he loved being free to try new things, some he loved and we kept and others he wasn't too keen on and we were one and done with those. And the same was true for me. Communication was the key.

"I want you to sit on my dick." he asked.

I waited. "And.....?"

"That's it. Just sit on my dick, no moving just sit there with me inside you."

"Cockwarming then?" I asked with a raise of my eyebrow.

"Yeah, that" he said, as his fingers traced the very outline of my groin. I could feel the light stimulation doing its work as tingles began to run through me and the thought of feeling his huge cock stretching me out was very appealing.

"You're on" I offered as I rose to my feet to pull down my leggings. He shifted into place yanking down his joggers and boxers to his ankles letting his already rock hard dick spring proud to his abs, before reaching towards me stopping me from pulling down my pants.

"Let me darling" he said as he sat forward and slipped his thumbs under the waistband on my hips, teasingly pulling slowly, slowly down as he caressed the bone of my hip, revealing me inch by inch, his face  intent on his task as he peeled them slowly away, sliding the material down my legs, feeling every inch of me as dropped them about my knees and they fell to the floor as he wrapped his hands around my thighs and leaned forward to lick a stripe of warm wetness up my slit, his tongue slipping between my folds to dab at my clit.

"Fuck baby, you taste so fucking good everytime" He moaned as he leaned forward again, sucking me into his mouth as I tangled my fingers further in his hair. He was just so good at this, his mouth felt like it was everywhere and his tongue squirmed in just the right spots as I began to pant at this perfect stimulation.

But before I could really get into the groove he pulled back, his jaw and mouth wet with my juices as he looked up at me with hooded, lust filled eyes.

"We're just getting started baby." he said as he pulled me forwards and I almost fell into his lap, my feet still tangled by my underwear. I caught myself on the back of the sofa as he shuffled back, spreading his thighs slightly to emphasise the hard column of flesh standing tall in between them. Pulling my feet free I climbed onto the sofa, swinging my leg over his as I waited hovering just above his straining dick.

"okay, okay, I'm sorry, please. I need you on my cock, please sit on me" he begged as he lifted his hips in supplication.

Using his shoulders as my steadying point I lowered myself slowly onto his hard, red, erection. Feeling the hot tip slowly breaching my hole and slipping inside me, filling me perfectly; down I went until the backs of my thighs met his and our groins were tight against each other. Immediately I went to rise up and drive myself down again on that cock, over and over, wanting to feel the stretch and relax of him filling me. His hands pressed down on my hips stilling me.

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