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You sipped slowly from your glass of red wine as you glanced around the table, avoiding looking directly at Toms face as you wriggled your toes against his growing erection. Smiling to yourself you began to flex your foot seeing his cheeks redden and his mouth fall slightly slack as he pushed back against your foot trying to get some more friction.

You placed your glass slowly down onto its coaster as you turned to Sam to ask him about his latest pop up idea, hearing Tom draw in a sudden quick breath as you removed your foot placing it back into your ballet flats. Risking a quick glance at him you saw his face flash with a mixture of annoyance, relief and frustration as he took in another slightly shaky breath before answering an unheard comment from his mother. You smiled again knowing that he'd be thinking about nothing more than whisking you home as soon as he could to finish what you'd started.

A couple of hours later you pushed your front door shut as you slipped off your shoes and dropped the keys into the bowl on the hallway table. Tom, already in the kitchen had been slightly sullen on the way back, but you could think of a couple of ways to cheer him up pretty quickly. The fridge door shut with a loud slap indicating his mood was still less than sunny, and you wondered if maybe you'd taken it a tiny bit too far today. Still an apology and an offer to suck his dick should cheer him up and make him forgive you. You quickly pulled your hair back into a ponytail to give him the handle he'd want, and checked your lipstick which he loved to ruin. A contrite look on your face and you walked into the living room to make your obesiance.

Before you could even offer your apology he'd grabbed you tight and plunged his tongue into your mouth kissing you so hard it felt brutal but also so good, a tingle beginning to come to life in your groin as he tasted every inch of your mouth, his hands clamped over your upper arms stopping you from moving away - not that you'd want to as the tingle ignited into a full blown burning desire for the man holding you. Moaning into his mouth, you loved the feel of him taking charge; normally it was very even, neither of you really taking charge of each other - a mutually led scenario, but here with his tongue questing in your mouth, teeth clashing, the intoxicating taste of him, his firm grip holding you in place and a raging fire burning in your groin, you melted against him desperate for anything he was willing to give you. You tried to move your arms to wrap them around him but he held you back with barely a strain, leaving you to whimper in his grasp; you tried to press your body against him, thirsting for that contact with him, but again he held you, helplessly away from him just his hands and mouth in contact.

You opened your eyes to see his still closed as he kissed you with all the passion he could muster. Burning up with lust you tried to pull back a little but he followed you, keeping all the contact he could. Finally after what seemed like hours of his intense kisses he pulled back leaving you gasping with need, your nipples standing out like bullets through your top as you squeezed your thighs together for any kind of friction. He looked down at you, your eyes blown wide with desire, lips swollen and panting for him. He smirked loosening his grip on you as he turned and walked to the sofa slumping down and grabbing the remote. You stood there utterly lost as he flicked through the channels trying to find something to watch.

"What the actual fuck was that!" you spat at him, high and dry, your nerves screaming for more contact, more stimulation.

"What? Can't take any teasing yourself?" he offered, as the channels skipped over the screen. "Oh and don't bother sneaking off to relieve yourself. Not if you actually want me to finish what we started" He turned to give you a sultry, dark look beore turning back. You scowled having planned to do just that.

Giving a huge sigh of frustration you went to the kitchen to pour a cold glass of water trying to get yourself back under control. Every step you took your nipples brushed tantalisingly against your top, your groin tingled with each step as your jeans hugged your figure tightly teasing you almost as much as you had him earlier. Sipping the water and looking out into the darkening garden you took a deep breath and resigned yourself to keep playing this teasing game, you'd started it so it would be poor sport not to finish it.

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