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She came out of the bathroom, arms raised tying her hair up into a loose ponytail,  pale lilac sleep shorts hanging low on her hips, the elastic fraying slightly and a baggy jade green cropped vest top rising with the movement of her arms. She blinked in surprise as she saw an old towel laid on the bed, and Tom setting a small box down on his bedside table, before he turned to offer that heartbreaking grin, the light from the bedside lamp illuminating the speckles in his eyes and casting a shadow over his jawline.

"What's all this for then" she asked, gesturing towards the bed and arching an eyebrow as a small smile graced her lips, as she looked at him, a shy smirk appearing on his face.

He stepped over to her wrapping his arms about her waist, his finger tips dipping below the sagging waistband, stroking her soft skin of her hip as he leaned in, breathing in the perfume of her skin and the faint hint of her scented body lotion and toothpaste, to nuzzle in the crook of her neck, pressing a small, light peck just under her ear, feeling her shiver at his touch, a smile raising the corner of his lips. Her arms draped around his shoulders as a sigh slipped out and she leaned into his embrace.

He pulled back a little, still holding her in his arms, to kiss her on the tip of her nose before leading her over to the bed, letting go of her and patting a spot on the towel.

She sat softly smiling at this amazing man, wondering exactly where this was going. She'd felt a hardness below his waist and had some idea, but waited with a small tingling anticipation, noting the gleam in his eye.

"I want to make you squirt" he suddenly blurted out, a bright grin on his face, "You know I love making you cum, I love seeing you cum. I want to make you feel amazing baby, I want to make you cum so hard you squirt, I want to see you lose control and all because of me. I want to feel your body shaking under me, your whole body twitching because of how good it feels, how much you need my dick, my fingers, my tongue" He looked at her, his eyes lustfully raking over her face as he leaned into her, kissing along her neck and murmuring into her ear "Baby I love you so much, your body turns me on so much and I need you. I want you to feel good" his hands rising to run a finger along her opposite collarbone, sliding down the strap of her top to drift, tickling across the swell of her breast as he lifted his head from her skin, cocking his head to one side.

"What d'you think? Damn, I'm getting hard just thinking about it" he muttered

"hmm, I think I'll take you up on that offer" she answered with a smile on her face as she lifted her hand to cup his cheek stroking her thumb along his cheekbone as he turned to kiss her palm, giving it a quick lick before she pulled it away shaking her head at his childish glee.

He stood up and began to push her back onto the bed, as she propped her self up on her arms, partially reclined, watching him. He swiftly pulled his navy tshirt over his head, his hair fluffing out as it popped through the neckline, and he quickly tried to tame it by running his hands through it.

"Don't bother." she smiled, "I'll be pulling on it later." Winking at him as he gulped, his loose joggers getting slightly tighter over the groin before the smirk was back and he stepped in between her slightly spread legs leaning down to sensuously trace his fingers up the inside of her thighs, delicate circles and swirls over the satiny skin.

"Promise?" he whispered, reaching for her shorts, using very little effort to slide them down her hips and legs, his fingers dragging along her skin, marvelling at her figure, laid out before him, her thin knickers, clinging to her core, a faint dampness on the cotton, as he lifted his eyes, scanning over her soft stomach, that rounded flesh that she hated but he adored, the hem of her top, covering her breasts that he couldn't wait to suck and worship and tease, the strap on the left, having fallen from her shoulder. That one small sight making his heart swell with love. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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