Sub Tom (-1 The prequel)

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Tom Holland a sub. Who'd have thought right? Trust me it was a surprise to me too when I found out.

We'd been together for a few months, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary sexually. We both gave and took in bed, mutual enjoyment and all that. Then we'd been at an event - tedious black tie, very formal, very boring and I'd been feeling a little cheeky and had started to tease him under the table cloth - nothing too out there, just brushing my hand across his groin but it had caused the fiercest blush I'd ever seen rush into his cheeks as he choked slightly on the eton mess he was eating, before stilling completely under my hand. I'd expected him to reach down and remove it with a warning look, but he'd just stopped looking down at his plate, breathing deeply waiting for the next move. I'd been concerned, moving my hand away of its own accord noting a slight flash of disappointment on his face as he resumed his food.

For the rest of the evening he'd been a little bratty - but just to me, for everyone else he was dignity personified. I was so confused, then as we got in through the door at home he'd 'accidentally' torn the chiffon wrap I had on.

"What the fuck was that?" I'd snapped, irritated at his behaviour all night, walking over and getting in his face which had the oddest expression of anticipation and want and lust. I heard him take in a deep shuddering breath as he seemed to relax under my glare before dropping his gaze to the floor submissively.

"Tom! What's going on" I ordered and I could see his shoulders relax even more at my tone, as a slight fullness at his groin appeared. Going on a hunch I stood taller in my sharp heels, dropping the ruined scarf to the ground I ordered him to pick it up. He looked up at me, eyes shining with a desire to please as he grabbed it up folding it and holding it out to me.

"Tom?" I asked quietly. "Do you need to be punished for this?" He let out a strangled whimper as he shook his head vigorously in the affirmative. Eyeing him up and down I turned and walked away saying loudly "Since when do subs tell me what to do especially when they can't address me correctly?"

He followed me quickly, kneeling next to me as he bowed his head offering a "Sorry mistress". My groin throbbed with need at those words. And so our games had begun.


I stretched in bed, giving a contented noise as my muscles relaxed back into place and I rolled over to find an empty space next to me, I sat up letting the covers pool around my waist. I got out of bed to find him naked sitting on his knees at the foot of the bed, waiting for me. Looks like he wanted to play today and he was never backwards in letting me know his desire to sub for me, and so here we were. It gave me a frission of desire running from my groin up seeing him just so; he knew what to do to get my attention in all the right ways, and sat like that - perfect tension in his body, each angle just calling out for me to run my hands over him, each perfect inch of him on display, including a semi hard dick. I walked past him for a quick shower to freshen up and after my brief ablutions I walked out and approached him and could hear his breathing quicken as I stopped before him, so he could see my feet and calves only. I dropped the towel I'd been wrapped in to the floor in front of him.

"Dry me!" I stated emotionlessly and he hastened to grab the towel and begin to dab and rub my legs, growing higher, raising his head to look up my thighs. 

I tutted at him "oh dear, who told you that you could look at me. We'll have to punish your presumption. Keep going, dry me. No looking" And he'd continued, lovingly drying my skin, standing to reach my shoulders but with his head staring at my feet. I saw his eyes flicker to my breasts then away quickly, but his gulp was audible and he knew he'd been caught.

I sighed loudly and walked over to the small set of drawers next to the vanity, and opened the top drawer pulling out a small piece of pvc fabric before moving to the bottom drawer and grabbing the light weight crop. Walking back over to him, I placed the material to one side and ordered him "Over the footstool. Now"

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