Date night

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Tom and I had been seeing each other for almost 3 weeks; we'd had coffee, been for a picnic in the park, seen a film and been to an exhibit followed by drinks, but this time we were having dinner together at his place. I was nervous about it to be honest - this was the first time it was just going to be us - with no-one around. Nervous and excited. This wasn't my first relationship, or first rodeo, but it had been more than a few months *cough* 10*cough* since my last relationship had ended, and acrimoniously at that, and I was feeling a bit insecure about it all. I thought Tom was super sweet and knew he wouldn't be as aggressive and pressuring about sex as my ex boyfriend had been, but there was still that little bundle of nerves.

I arrived early and was pleasantly surprised to find Tom in the kitchen actually cooking -some grilled salmon with roasted tomatoes and couscous. Healthy and tasty; it was impressive as I watched him practically dancing across the kitchen to pull out plates, stir seasoning into the coucous and hand me a glass of wine, all with that characteristic sparkle in his eye and generous smile on his face. He looked smart too in a white shirt with dark trousers, which framed his body to perfection. 

Dinner was amazing and I offered all the compliments to the cook, who was flirting for all he was worth, he could be a real charmer could Tom and he was pulling out all the stops for tonight, which was slightly intimidating to be honest. After he'd served a super sticky chocolate cake for dessert we moved to the sofa to watch a film - my pick. I scrolled through Disney plus, finally settling on National Treasure - easy to watch, and an old favourite. We settled down and I curled into his side, resting my arm loosely around his waist, occasionally stroking his arm and holding onto his hand as he looked down at me giving me that heartbreaking smile.

The film was about half over when he shifted slightly laying back more and pulling me with him as he threaded his hand through the hair on the back of my head as he began kissing me; gently probing my mouth with his tongue, exploring every inch, tasting the wine and lingering sweetness of dessert, as I reached up to touch his cheek, feeling a tiny prickle of stubble, too faint to see, but just enough to feel with the sensitive pads of my fingers. He caressed down my hair along my back before stopping just above my butt where he began tracing circles into my skin, kissing me deeper and harder as I felt him beginning to harden against my stomach. He pulled back slowly, looking me in the eye, "we can stop whenever you want to, just let me know." He waited for my acknowledgement before plunging back in, revelling in the feel of skin and warmth and wetness and losing ourselves in each other.

The feel of his hard length against me was driving me insane, that, along with his intense kisses, his warmth, the woody, musky, fresh smell of his skin and the circles he was drawing on my back. I pulled away, ignoring the look of disappointment which flashed across his face as I stood up before grabbing his hand and also encouraging him to his feet.

"You know, you haven't shown me upstairs yet?" I asked huskily, seeing a flash of heat in his eyes as he adjusted himself slightly before answering,

"No, I haven't, how rude of me....shall we start with my bedroom?" he checked carefully, as he took my hand leading me towards the stairs and up to the master bedroom. I barely took in any of the details, so focused was I on the churning excitement inside me, just the big bed, and fluffy white duvet in eyeline. He pulled me to a stop in front of the bed and began to kiss my neck and jawline, having realised how sensitive I was as he mumbled against my skin,

"This," kiss, nibble

"is my room" kiss, kiss,

"you'll notice the bed just behind you"

as I wrapped my arms around his waist reaching down to squeeze his muscular rounded butt. A small moan came from next to my ear as he reached down to return the squeeze, pausing to look at me raising his eyebrow as I nodded, lips swollen from his intense kisses, before returning to my mouth, his nimble fingers  slipping under the edge of my broderie top, lifting it up and off me, running his hands down my back to my hips and sliding down my floaty skirt until it fell to the floor, without releasing my mouth. I reached up and began to unbutton his shirt, desperate to feel the smooth muscles in his chest and stomach and I pulled it free from his body.

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