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I adjusted the short buttoned white coat and settled the stethoscope more securely around my neck, trying to find the right balance so it wouldn't fall off, or fall into my cleavage. Still a bit fidgety I adjusted the seams of my sheer black stockings and wiped a smear from my patent stilettos.

I sat behind the desk and waited. Tom had begged to play this today. Begged. And I was going to make this fantasy as real as I could for him, but liven it up by taking it in a new direction. I had no idea whether he was going to appreciate it, but if he wasn't into it we could always go back to our usual ending.

There was a knock on the door and Tom opened it, walking in. He looked exceptional in his half buttoned brown shirt and light blue jeans which were tight over his already prominent erection, his eyes glinting with excitement.

I stood and indicated the chair opposite me, sitting down as he did, and carefully crossing my legs so the coat rode up my legs, giving a tiny peek at the edge of my stockings. His eyes roamed up and down my legs and he shifted in his seat as he hardened further.

"So, Mr Holland, what can I help you with today?" I purred at him looking into his eyes over the rims of my glasses. He blushed slightly, playing his part for all he was worth, but unable to hide the excitement in his expressive hazel eyes.

"I. I need a check up." he stuttered out.

"Any particular reason for it?" I asked turning to lean across the desk giving him a full view down my top, my breasts pushed up into the v of the coat "any symptoms, any unusual activities, any strange feelings?" I said, giving him the chance to change the game slightly if he wanted to. I saw him open his mouth to answer before going redder and closing it. So he wanted to be the 'shy' patient today. This I could work with.

"Lets examine you then." I said confidently as I stood and walked over to him, removing the stethoscope from around my neck. I leaned over him pressing the cold circle of the stethoscope to his back, moving it around a few times, just like at the doctors, hearing noises and whistles through the tubes, then I moved round to his front and moved closer to his clothed legs as I leaned over him and slipped the end and my hand inside the open neck of his shirt.

"Its a little cold" I murmured as he shifted at the chill circle I had placed over his heart. I could hear it beating away, fast and excited. I took longer than I needed, enjoying this strangely intimate experience. I could hear his heart when I lay on his chest, but not as clearly as this. Moving my hand I brushed my fingers over his chest, enjoying the warmth and texture of his skin as he shifted slightly, lifting his head to better eyeball my cleavage. I lowered my gaze to him, causing him to quickly shift his view and redden even further. Oh he was playing this so well.

"Hmm, a little fast, but then lots of people get nervous at the doctors." I said looking him straight in the eye.

"Time for a more" I paused for a moment, looking his fine form up and down "Physical examination. Over there, top and trousers off please."

"Yes doctor"

I went back behind the desk allowing him to move to the corner of the room where we'd placed a borrowed massage table earlier, to better set the scene. and watched out of the corner of my eye as he reluctantly began to unbutton his shirt.

Damn but he was beyond fine. Each button undoing to reveal that perfect toned, muscled body. The things I did to him, and the things I wanted to do to him right now. I squeezed my legs together trying to get a little friction in the right places as he shrugged it off, showcasing his strong back down into those lean hips. Folding his shirt carefully he placed it on the shelf next to the table, before looking round bashfully as he reached for the top button of his jeans, his erection still pushing out the crotch. I picked up a clipboard and pen and turned to look out of the window, seeming to go  through my notes as I tapped a pen against the board. Really I was watching his reflection in the glass.

Tom Holland smutsWhere stories live. Discover now