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My phone beeped from the kitchen where it was charging; I smiled and bounded over to pick it up, seeing another message from Tom waiting for me. It was hard being apart from each other, but he needed to be in Atlanta to finish off the reshoots for the latest film. He'd been gone for almost a month now and was due back in 2 more weeks if all went well.


Hey baby, how're you doing today?


Better than last week but missing you! xxxxx


I know darling, this is so hard for me too. I just want to be with you, curled up watching tv - are you recording Love Island for me? 😚


Of course. I haven't even watched any myself - waiting for you xx


You are perfect you know. Want to FT?


Not right now my love, I'll end up crying if I have to see you, but can't touch you. At least txting I can pretend you're just upstairs xxxxx


And what would I be doing upstairs? 😏


So its going to be like that is it? Horny are we? xx


Like you wouldn't believe! Want to help me out..........?


Sure *sends picture* It if helps I'm wearing this xxx


Oh baby, that's one of my favourites - you know that. I'm already getting hard, seeing your body in that.


Good. That was the aim. So what would you be doing upstairs then? xxx


Lying in our bed, just in my boxers, your favourite ones, the extra tight white Calvins.


Just lying? Nothing else?🤔


I'd be stroking myself through the material, you know how soft it feels against my skin, well it would be so tight you would be able to see all of me. Long and Hard. Would you like that baby?


Oh yes, I can almost see it, watching you touch yourself turns me on my love, you know that. I love seeing your hands stroking, rubbing, teasing yourself. Its making me wet just the thought of it.


Pleeeeaaaassssseee can we FT, I want to see you so badly. Please? xxxxxxx

Incoming call.


"Hey cutie, damn you are wearing those underwear, I thought you were just teasing me!" he said as he reclined on the sofa in his trailer, as promised, in his tight calvins, grey vest top discarded by his side

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