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"Happy birthday my love" I whispered into his ear as I leaned over him. He mumbled something, pulling the duvet further over himself. I smiled, and slid my hand under the covers stroking along his back down to his boxers and round cupping him through the material. That got me a reaction as he started to harden and then pull the covers down a little showing his crumpled hair and pillow creased face as he peeped over, a lascivious smile on his face as I held his favourite body part in my hand. I quickly kissed him on the forehead removing my hand and placing a breakfast tray next to him. He pouted and I could hear him mumbling to himself about how he was going to enjoy that birthday present; but he brightened quickly at his favourite breakfast and mug of tea nicely placed on a tray along with a card.

He had a busy day so after his breakfast in bed he quickly showered and dressed before pecking me on the cheek and heading off to his parents for the Holland birthday rituals. I stayed home planning for his present that afternoon when he got back from visiting his grandparents. Time flew and I had only just wriggled my way into my lingerie when I heard the door open and Tom bounce into the house.

I called him upstairs to help me with something, and as he came through the door his jaw dropped at the sight, I sat on the bed, leaning backwards to show off as much of me as I could, wearing a sheer black lace bra half cup bra, breasts overspilling it and the tiniest sheer thong and lace hold up stockings. I had carefully applied deep red lipstick and had used my perfume liberally. His eyes roamed over every inch of me and I could see his trousers getting uncomfortably tight, as he stepped further into the room, practically drooling. His breathing had already deepened by the time he was close enough to touch me, but I raised my hand to stop him.

"A little overdressed aren't you birthday boy?" I asked teasingly as I ran my hand slowly along the lace, and instantly he pulled his shirt over his head, revealing that perfect chest and stomach, pulling at his button and zip to remove his trousers too, hampered slightly by his insistent hard on. Just in his tight boxers he clambered onto the bed, where I pushed him gently down onto the pillows where he looked up at me with a devilish smirk on his lips, liking where this was going. I loomed up over him crawling up his body, so my breasts brushed over his erection, until we were face to face. I took his hand and pushed it to the headboard, followed by his other one, and without a word I carefully wrapped his wrists together using velcro restraints I'd bought for just this occasion. As he felt me tying his wrists he sucked in a shuddering breath, tugging gently against them as I wrapped the ends around the headboard, so he still had freedom to move a little, without making his shoulders ache.

The look I had from him was enough to make me shiver with need, as I cast my eyes over his body, arms above his head, attached to the headboard with black velcro straps, the line of his body as it narrowed down into his waist - muscles standing out, and a huge wet patch developing on his boxers as his cock twitched as he squirmed against the material.

"Is this okay?" I checked, before doing anything further

"Oh god yes, more than okay, please" he begged

"In case we need it, the safe word, for both of us - is, hmmm birthday. That seems appropriate for today" I said.

"Sure, birthday anything, now can you please touch me, do something, anything, I need you" he implored.

"Well now," I said moving back and away from him " we can't have begging, or else I might have to gag you"

He let out a loud moan at that, pulling gently on the restraints.

"We are badly behaved today aren't we. And bad boys...." I caressed my hand down his arm to his shoulder trailing it down his side "well, they get punished."

I stood to one side as I pulled on a black satin glove onto my hand and used that to stroke over his chest and stomach, skipping over his boxers to his thighs, watching his muscles clench at the featherlight silky sensation.

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