Sub Tom pt 2

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I smiled and leaned in to press a kiss against his cheek. "I know. Lets head home darling, and get you out of these clothes. I'll run you a nice bath, make you a hot chocolate then we can cuddle all night."

His face lit up.

"Oh and this needs looking after - lets see if you can keep quiet in the car while I suck you" He groaned lightly and continued to follow me eagerly out to the carpark.


Leading him forward, his leash nicely slack between us we headed down the carpeted marble staircase, a very Cinderella moment - if she'd had Charming on a collar and leash anyway. I looked back at him, seeing his still prominent hard on pushing against the fabric of his black combats as we decended. He was so perfect, and had behaved so well tonight with that added bonus of his performance on the balcony that I hadn't been expecting of him. I could still see a faint dampness on his jaw as we passed a well stocked candelabra, wax dripping slowly down to create fantastical shapes. 

He needed a reward. A private one. He was happy to please me in public but wanted his own releases to be private and I absolutely respected this hard limit for him.

We left the warmth of the foyer heading out to the darkness of the car park, my heels clicking against the tile, the faint murmur of conversations, music and performances left behind us, growing quieter as the door swung shut. I looked with distaste at the distance to the far left corner where I'd parked the car. I turned to Tom and unclicked the leash from his collar, coiling it up into my hand, watching the faint shadow of concern wash over his face.

"Carry me to the car" I ordered him "Not over your shoulder!" I added swiftly as I saw a cheeky twich of his mouth. Once I hadn't been specific enough and he'd unceremoniously bent down swung me onto his shoulder and fireman carried me across the tarmac giggling quietly to himself as I frantically tried to right myself. He'd earned himself a small punishment for that little episode.

This time with more ceremony he lifted my legs from under me, settling me into his strong arms as he carried me bridal style down the steps into the darkness of the path skirting the car park. I snuggled into his embrace forgetting quite how strong he was when so submissive, and enjoying the feel of his arms around me and the surprisingly soft skin of his chest. I turned my head to press a tiny kiss to his shoulder, causing him to smile at the expression of love. It didn't take long to reach the car and he gently set me onto my feet as he pulled the car keys out of his side pocket handing them to me as he stood there waiting.

I took the proferred keys and unlocked the vehicle, reaching into the back seat, dropping the leash and pulling out Tom's favourite blue hoodie, handing it to him to pull on as a cool wind blew across the open ground causing him to shiver. He dived into the warm top, pulling it over his head with alacrity, hiding his toned physique with the cosy material, settling the hood around his neck, resting against the mask which he was continuing to wear.

I approached him until I was just inches away from his body, as I looked up into his calm happy face, his eyes still showing anticipation and contentment as I grabbed his groin through his trousers, cupping his still prominent bulge.

"So, my little love" I squeezed him lightly causing an almost silent moan to escape his mouth as he grew in size and hardness in my grip. "I promised you I'd take care of this and....." I paused, raising my eyebrow. He swallowed and continued hoarsely "you always keep your promises"

"I do." I continued as I ran my fingers lightly up and down over the jutting groin, tracing the outline of his hard shaft through the rough material. "but how I wonder?" I questioned as I waited to see what he would do next. I wouldn't punish him, no matter what, not after the events of the evening, but I was curious. 

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