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Tom had been struggling a little with his latest role. It was darker than his usual family friendly offerings. He loved the stretching work, but had to be honest about the toll it was taking on him. He found it hard to eat, harder to sleep, spending hours with insomnia, laying in his hotel room watching the ceiling, listening to the movement in other rooms, other floors. Parties, fights, the continual sound of traffic passing by floors below. 

Even when the final scene was shot, the last cut and print called, he still couldn't sleep. Back home in his own house it was better, he was able to sleep surrounded by the comforts of his family, friends and girlfriend, but never for long enough, always cut short by unsettling dreams he couldn't remember, lunging at scraps of memory before they dissolved like tissue in the rain. Just knowing he had been at fault for something and had lost everything.

Another night, the same dream. More scraps coming back to him as he lay tangled in the sheets, taking deep calming breaths, trying to keep from waking his girlfriend, lying next to him in her usual starfish shape, one wrist pressed against his ribs, unmindful of how they heaved, an ankle resting under his. He'd lost someone important to him and he'd fucked it up by lying to the wrong person.

Third night in a row he dreamed it again. After hours spent trying not to fall asleep, scared of enduring the terror again, more substance to his fears. Her. He'd lost her, and he rolled to his side, pressing himself against her body, comforting himself that she was indeed there. Stretching his arm out across her stomach, caressing her hip through her shorts, feeling the rise and fall of her chest, listening to the faint whistle of her respiration when she laid on her back. Feeling her. Not gone. Not his fault. Here.

Then the worst night ever. He woke with a scream, shaking all over, repeating over and over "no, no, no. no" waking her abruptly with his terror. She bounced up grabbing hold of him hugging him tight and close against her chest, whispering over and over into his ear 

"Its ok, I'm here, it's just a dream, you're safe, I'm here, I love you." 

Petting at his sweaty, tangled, curly hair as he sobbed into her shoulder shaking, tears slowly sliding down his face then along and down her arms, and then gradually coming back to himself inch by inch, at the feeling of her warm soft body, her gently perfumed skin, soft with her moisturiser, he could smell it, he could feel her breathe, he could hear her quiet voice breaking slowly through the fog of panic, and the ultimate feeling of relief when she turned to him, her beautiful face unmarred with bruises and blood, alive and here with him.  And he needed to prove to himself how real she was.

He grabbed her face gently, kissing it, finding comfort in her soft plump lips, the faint scent of cherry lip balm remaining, pressing his own against hers, lips slightly parted begging for entry into her mouth, stroking at her tongue and teeth and distracting himself with the feeling of comfort, of love and desire; he leaned over more pressing his body against hers, relishing the feel of her arms around him, tightly, grounding him, stroking his back scratching lightly with her nails, raising goosebumps as they went, leaving his skin tingling as he ran his hands over her naked skin reassuring himself of her existence; he pulled away, ever so slightly to whisper 


as he began to stroke lower, over her delicate skin, down her stomach, lower abdomen, playing with the waistband of her pants. 

"Yes, Tom, I love you"

With permission he reached into her underwear, running his fingers slowly over her lips, cupping her groin in his hand as he began to nuzzle her naked breast, suckling gently on her hard nipple, pulling on it with his teeth as he grew harder in his boxers. 

Feeling a burst of wetness over his fingers as he slid them into her, carefully, slowly, wanting to bring her pleasure, stroking the lubrication over her clit, pushing gently and giving her the friction she needed as she let out a sigh of his name. He continued to rub and stroke and thrust, gently with his hand as his mouth worked on her breast, lost in the sensation of hot wet tightness and soft pliant skin with the contrasting hard, rubbery nipple Tom was lost. After some time he couldn't take anymore of the tightness of his boxers, and the rub against his hard cock, wanting both more and less friction on it, he moved to slip them off, before placing himself between her parted, long, smooth legs, begging for entry, his tip barely entering her as he enjoyed the feeling of warm wetness against his sensitive dick. Nightmare forgotten for now in her embrace.

He pushed forward, slowly, feeling the head of his cock slip between her lips into the embracing hole that sucked him deep, feeling every ridge inside her rub along his hardness, the warmth and wetness driving him crazy with the need to feel it all. He began to slowly draw himself out, feeling her walls slide against his shaft and the pressure as he pushed back in. Over and over, deliberately keeping the pace and rhythm unhurried, feeling her clench tightly around him as he pushed in, over the spongy nub just inside causing her to moan his name quietly in his ear, and her hands to clutch at the moving muscles in his back. Making soft, slow, gentle, heart aching love to her. Wanting her to know the depth of his love and get every drop of devotion. He pressed on, the coil in his stomach growing surely, with each movement, his soft breaths captured in her mouth as his tongue explored and twirled and delved, reassuring himself of her existence and safety and her love for him. Each sensation urging him to hurry as his stomach tightened and his cock began to twitch as his breaths began to hitch, his body gathering itself for its release,

"Baby, I love you, so much, I'm going to cum, I can't, I need to cum, please"

"Tom" came the moan back as she tightened unbearably around his sensitive cock and spasmed, cumming hard on his cock as he pushed one more time into that heat, before he felt his cum pumping out of him deep inside her contracting pussy, each twitch of his cock causing her orgasm to continue, and each clench of her pussy causing another spurt of cum to hit her cervix. Until finally, both had nothing more left to give holding each other tight, breathless as they snuggled together, his arms loosely around her waist as he kissed her hair reminding himself she was there. Always there. And safe.

Finally he slept.

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