Yes Miss!

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I'd come home from work a little early after a long day and couldn't wait to get out of my tight skirt and cream blouse. I toed off my heels in the hall, sighing with relief as I was released from those prisons, scrunching my toes up to release the tension. I padded into the living room, to see him sat on the sofa the curly headed mop of hair peeking over the top of his laptop screen, which was propped awkwardly on his lap as he avidly watched something, earbuds in, paying total attention. I walked round behind him, leaning down to place my hands on his shoulders and press a gentle kiss behind his ear.

He jumped,  simultaneously spilling the laptop to the floor, pulling the jack out of the side causing loud moans to erupt in the air as the porn he had been watching blared out and grabbing at the cushion next to him to cover his, er, excitement as he yelped aloud.

I stepped back removing my hands, crossing them under my boobs, and trying to control the giggles that desperately wanted to slip out as he scrambled to mute the laptop, escape from the tangle of his headphones and turn to face me at the same time. Finally paused, the screen showed a young guy bent over a desk as a scantily clad brunette wearing a teachers gown and mortar board spanked away, before he slammed the screen down and turned rather shamefacedly to me.

"I'm, erm, you're home, sorry I just." he gulped, looking up at me briefly through those long eyelashes with his expressive puppy dog eyes, chewing anxiously on his lip as he looked back at the floor.

Being honest with myself, seeing him like this was turning me on, more than a little. He looked so contrite and I just wanted to grab his chin and kiss him into utter submission, and make him mine.

I pulled my glasses down on my nose just a little - why not live the cliche - and looking over the rims I asked him sternly:

"Do you really think this is appropriate behaviour in my class?"

His head shot up, eyes alight as he took in what I had said and then how I was looking at him, and how I looked. I could see him take in a deep breath before shakily squeaking out

"no......miss?" his voice wavering on the last syllable, not sure if he had misheard.

I tightened my arms around myself, pushing my cleavage out further as I bent slightly towards him as his gaze dipped to my breasts obvious now through the open buttons of my shirt and back to my face, nervously licking at his lower lip as his breathing quickened.

"Stand up when you talk to me boy!" I stated sternly, watching him scramble to his feet, and the tightening of the fabric at his crotch as his deflating erection began to grow again against the thin fabric of his shorts. He stood there, not quite at attention,  unsure of his next move.

"Better." I said as I began to walk around him looking down over my glasses, inspecting him as he fidgeted slightly, desperate to reach out to me and pull me onto the sofa where he could plunge his face between my breasts, shove his hand under my skirt to strip me of my pants and fuck me. I could read his mind almost - every wish telegraphed through the slight movement of his hands, the sly look up from the floor at my chest, and the rapidity of his breathing.

"But this...." I reached down cupping his hard groin "this is not acceptable." he moaned loudly pressing forward, rubbing himself against my hand as I increased the pressure against his throbbing erection.

"What do you have to say for yourself then? Hmm?" I asked pulling my hand away as he thrust his groin forward, desperate to keep the contact going.

"I, I. " he took a deep breath and looked me straight in the eye "I'm sorry" he added with a cheeky smirk and a sarcastic tone. 

He definitely wanted to play this game to its hilt.

"Unacceptable behaviour Mr. Holland. Naughty boys get punished." I purred, running my hand down his cheek as his breath hitched in his chest. I continued my trail down his chest and round his hip to squeeze his delectable butt tightly in my hand.

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