Doctors Part 2

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You were waiting outside the office in a chair placed there earlier, after your play with Tom that morning. He'd promised it was your turn and you couldn't wait. You were still turned on from this morning, and just needed some relief.

Waiting you idly inspected your nails as you wondered what he had in store for you. His lascivious grin as he sat you down before shutting the door had you churned up. He was being super secretive about this and that turned you on even more.

Finally the door opened and Tom leaned out. He'd changed into a white shirt and black trousers following his bath and had chosen to wear his dark framed glasses. The bastard. he knew how much you loved that look on him.

"Please come in" he said with a smirk. You stood bubbling with anticipation as you followed him into the room, noticing the table had been moved to the centre of the room and covered with a sheet, a covered box by the side.

He sat behind the desk, elbows placed on it as he rested his lips against his pointed fingers, the light shining off his signet ring as he looked at you.

"So miss L/N, time for your annual examination. Any problems during sex, any discomfort, anything you think I should know about?"

 You smiled as you considered saying something, but in then end decided you'd play the innocent to his shy patient routine earlier.

"No doctor," you replied shyly as you looked at him from under your eyelashes. You were gladdened to see him gulp at that before shaking himself and asking you

"Very well, please remove your lower items of clothing and lay back on the bed for me please."

You rose slowly and walked to the other side of the bed, and made a huge deal out of unzipping your pastel skirt and slowly shimmying it over your hips, gratified to see his eyes glued to your every movement, centred on the sheer black net of your thong caressing the shaved skin laying underneath, each lip prominent. You heard a muttered "fuck" from Tom as he stared, very unprofessionally at your groin. You turned and slowly reached for the waistband lowering it over your hips as it peeled down from between your buttocks and you bent over at the waist, your butt presented to his view.

You heard him clear his throat as you stood upright, sitting delicately on the covered table, your stockings still in place as were the heels. You lay there demurely, your hands covering your naked groin as he stumbled over towards you, groin already tented with his hardening dick.

He pulled out a stool you hadn't noticed under the table and sat at it, his shoulders level with your legs. He adjusted his glasses and looking up at you began.

"Miss L/N you need to part your legs for me so I can examine you properly," he pulled on some gloves from the same box you'd used earlier as he tilted his head to look at you.

Reluctantly acquiescing you parted your legs slightly, hands still covering yourself.

"more please, I can't examine you like this"

You relaxed your legs more, letting them fall further apart, feeling his hands grip your ankles and pull you down the bed a little and and move them further, revealing your groin to him. He let out a small moan at the sight of your shaven lips, dripping with arousal waiting for him. He tried to cover it with another throat clearing, but the intensity of his gaze was unmistakable. He shifted, one hand disappearing and you knew he was adjusting himself.

He ran his hand lightly up the inside of one bent leg before lowering his trembling hand to your groin, spreading your lips apart, stroking over them delicately, spreading your wetness over your whole area. His eyes focused on his every movement.

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