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I'd been teasing Tom all day, and my efforts were beginning to have an effect. Standing in the kitchen by the kettle I was 'idly' stroking the swell of my breast peeping out of my low cut top as he watched from the sofa, squirming slightly. I smiled teasingly and he leapt up storming over to me before beginning to kiss me, plundering my mouth as he ran his fingers through my hair and I lightly scratched my nails along his neck and down his back. Clinging onto each other passions began to grow, and he began to rub his hardness against my thigh and hip, as his hand slipped down to heft the solid weight of my breast, running his thumb over and over the hard nipple. As the feelings grew inside me I needed his hands lower, and placed his hand down so he was reaching under my skirt and cupping my crotch firmly, and his thumb began rubbing there. I let out a gasp as the friction began to build.

He stood behind me leaning me forward so I was propped against the wall as he slowly pulled my skirt down letting it fall to the floor as he continued to press against my clit with his thumb through my cotton underwear. Suddenly his warmth was against me his chest pressed against my back as he began to kiss and bite my neck and shoulders, stretching the neck of the top down under my bra, presenting my breasts out on a ledge as his hardness rubbed against my butt. Minutes passed and lust grew until he pulled off my underwear and lowered his shorts, erection springing out to slide in between my legs rubbing against my clit as he thrust forward over and over. It was intense and I could feel the head of his cock and all the ridges and veins play over my most sensitive area, back and forth as my knees trembled at the sensation of that hard hot flesh rubbing against me, Toms hot breath panting over my neck and ear as he thrust over and over hands both playing with my nipples.

"Tom, please, close..." I stuttered out as he changed the angle and his thick length slipped inside me, hitting my g spot perfectly as his hand dropped to replace his cock, against my clit, stroking , stroking as he thrust harder and harder

"I've got you darling, let go, come for me, thats it, right there, let me feel you, ohhh" he muttered as my body gave in and clenched around his thrusting dick again and again until he too stilled against me.



I was desperate to feel him properly, it had been so long since we'd been intimate, in fact the last time had been before he'd headed off on the press tour, and my hormones were driving me wild, I needed him so badly. I swung myself onto his lap, kissing him feverishly, desperate to have him; I could feel a growing hardness beneath me as he involuntarily pushed up against me, needing the friction as much as I did. Feeling his hot hardness pressed against me was not enough. I loomed above him kissing him harder, feeling his moans as I ground down rhythmically against him. He pulled me hard down onto his lap, holding me by my thighs, stopping me from moving, looking desperately undone, hair messed up with curls in all directions from where I'd been running my hands through it, eyes dilated, unfocused and dark with lust, swollen wet lips as he tried to talk, before I interrupted "please, like this, I need you!"

Less than a second later he began rubbing me against his straining erection, throwing his head back against the back of the sofa as I began to kiss and nibble along his neck, small groans and moans escaped from him as I sucked deeply on his collarbone, leaving an almost black mark as he moved to pull off my top, leaving me in an overflowing black bra, as he shoved his face into them sucking his own marks into my pale skin, still grinding against me. It was becoming too much the sensations overwhelming me as I pulled away and stood up briefly to rip off my leggings and pants as Tom lifted his hips enough to pull his joggers down slightly and free his throbbing erection. With no further thought I climbed back onto his lap sliding myself onto his cock. As it stretched me out I could feel every vein and ridge and my head fell back and I moaned, feeling so good.

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