The day after...😏 tbs

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⚠️ Smutty? I mean it's mentioned a lot so...⚠️

I woke up after a long night with not that much sleep...😏

Thomas was laying on my chest peacefully snoring silently after the night. I don't blame him he must be exhausted after what he managed to perform

I took a look outside to see Thunder & rain
What do you expect from London?

Luckily we weren't leaving the house today only for a few groceries as we are having friends over for dinner.

Thomas started moving around and he suddenly moved his head up and looked around the room

"Holy..." he laughed as he remembered last night and scratches his neck

"Shut it" I giggle

"God I'm starving" he said and I smiled

"Let's make us breakfast then" I smiled at pulled the blanket away

Thomas smile fainted when he saw that I wasn't naked anymore I was now wearing his shirt that was long enough to cover under my butt.

He gave me a quick kiss and got dressed himself

"Nice ass" I laughed as he was struggling to get his pants on

"Oh you better be quiet over there" he laughed

And I stood up to go to the kitchen, but just when I stood up I fell back down

"Oh fuck me..." I whispered

"Already did" Thomas winked

"Shut it! Not what I meant..." I said annoyed

"Then what's the problem young lady?" Thomas said as he bends down taking out his hand "can't walk?"

"No and it's your fault!" I said rolling my eyes

"My pleasure" He said and wrapped his arms around me caring me bridal style to his kitchen sitting me down on the counter

I watched him as he cooked us breakfast and he jammed around to the radio song

"Girl, I was there when you were my baby
... It started when we were younger, you were mine my booooo"

he started singing along as he picked me up again wrapping his arms around me as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He spun us around in circles until
The song was over

"Very talent boyfriend i have" I joked

"Oh yeah very" he laughed

We ate and got dressed for the supermarket :)

Thomas was driving the car and when we got there

"Wait here I will be back real quick" he said and he stormed towards the shopping 🛒

"Get in" he said and I laughed

"Sorry what?" I giggle

"Get in you can't walk remember?" He said

I smiled and nodded as he carried me in the 🛒

He drove me around in the supermarket like this

He drove me around in the supermarket like this

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"Red whine or white?" He asked

"White no red or maybe white" I said

"That's both then" he said and put them down beside my shoes

"Do we need anything else?" He asked

"Does Dylan like beer?" I asked

"True he bloody loves it" he said and drove us towards the beers

"Then let's get some bloody beer" I teased Thomas for his accent

Thomas Brodie sangster imagines Where stories live. Discover now