My favorite man (2/2) Newt

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He grabbed my wrist gently and pulled my hand away from his chin before looking at me

"Earlier today before you left to get food. Did you lie to me?" He questioned

"Lie?" I asked confused to why he would bring something up now

"You said no one assaulted you or touched you, but you hesitated like you always do when your keeping things away from me" he warned

"H-how do you even know that?" I signed crossing my arms over my chest

"Trust me love i do keep an eye on you" he smiled "just please tell me, alright?"

I nodded while looking down

"What happened then?" He took my hand again and placed it in his

"They called doesn't matter...and another one touched know" I felt my eyes beginning to wet slightly again

He nodded gently Before saying
"Okay...they will have the same punishment. Just tell me if things like this happen again. I'm here for you more than ever! I'm not letting you out of sign and if anyone touched you I will personally make sure they will get punished hard for their actions " he kissed my hand

I blushed slightly at his little kiss.

Time skip
Minhos pov

The glade was kinda chaotic after the fight between Newt and that other shank, but luckily Alby took pretty good care of that while Newt took care of his girl. Y/n meant Everything to him and everyone knew that except her. She knew he was a good person, but still don't know about the huge crush Newt has on her.

The new greenie who's name was Thomas was looking terrified, I understand why! this was his first night and it ended up in a big fight. I reassured him that this wasn't normally happening, but he wanted to see Newt & Y/n to make sure they were okay.

He stormed towards Newts hut where y/n ran in earlier and before I could stop him he swung the door open. What met us was definitely better than I expected. I kinda expected y/n to cry her eyes out and Newt trying to calm her down, but it looked so much nicer. Y/n sat in between Newt legs with her head on his chest while he helped her eat the food Frypan gave her earlier

Y/n shifted uncomfortable at the sign of me and Thomas interrupting them. Newt took the plate away and wrapped his arms around Y/n while looking questionable at us

"A-are you guys okay? Y/n are you okay that seemed pretty harshly" Thomas hesitated

"I-" she looked at Newt with a 'not knowing what to say' look. He squeezed her hand gently before replying for her

"What happened out there wasn't okay and definitely something that we have seen before. It will take a longer process to be fully okay again" he looked down at y/n "and you can take all the time you want"

She smiled at Newt before looking back into her hands

"Now we didn't mean to interrupt you guys" I grabbed Thomas by the shoulder and pulled him towards the door

"But-" Thomas started, but I shut him up

Third person POV

Newt slept with y/n that night and his arms never left her waist ones. The day after did Newt take the problem in his own hand, he was going to tell the other gladers straight how things work around in the glade and how no one should ever comment on his girl again.

"What happened last night was a accident, and of course we will never see such a accident again. The shank is spending his last night in the slammer before we banish him. Anyone of you shanks got the same idea as he did then except the same treatment maybe worse! We don't have many rules around here, but one thing is clear don't harm a glader physically or psychologically. Y/n is one of us! Yes she may be different then all of us, but that doesn't mean she should be treated differently! And for the rest of you! Y/n is off limits " Newt yelled in the meeting gathering

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