Pregnant - TBS

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I fell down to my knees with the stick in my hand. Thomas will hate me, was what I thought to myself! I allowed tears to fall down my cheeks. Me and Thomas was good friends more than friends, we weren't a couple, but we had or flirty moments. We often went out on restaurants or he invited me over for dinner which always leaded to more. People knew about our relationship and his cast mates begged us to become a official couple, but it never happened. Even tho I was deeply in love with him without him knowing, I just couldn't have his baby.

He was going to absolutely hate me.

"Y/n? What did it say?" Kaya knocked on the bathroom door

I sobbed loud tears "no no no it can't be" I shook my head as I held my mouth to stop my sobs. Kaya on the other side of the door quickly open it as I didn't lock it and she gently sat down on her knees and wrapped her arms around me in a protective and gently hug

"It's alright...It will be okay...You are okay! You and Thomas will figure it out and I'm always here!"
She reminded me

"He is going to hate me...h-he will absolutely disgust me..." I cried out

"Of course he wouldn't! Sure he will be surprised, but Thomas is not an arse! He will handle this nicely! I promise!" She tighten the hug around me

As much As i wanted to believe those words I just couldn't. I was in love with Thomas and now I was apparently caring his baby and all he saw me as was a good bed partner. Sure he was a amazing guy, but he didn't like me like I liked him.


"Sooo...have you told him yet?" Rosa asked me gently as we sat on the couch, drinking tea to get down my nerves

I shaked my head in a No.

It was now 3 days after I found out about the baby.
Of course I visited a doctor to be 100% sure and that it was positive. I was caring Thomas's baby and he didn't know...I was buried in my sweatpants and sweatshirt with my messy hair and old cried of mascara. The past few days have been hard really really REALLY hard. I ignored Thomas's texts and instead cried my eyes out like I did best lately.

Kaya suddenly rushed through the door which made both me and Rosa jump in shock

"Don't hate me!" She yelled as she looked at me with fear in her eyes

"W-what? Why would I?" I asked confused

"I may have told Thomas about the baby..." she carefully said

"What?!" I yelled in shock

"Please please please don't hate me! But I couldn't contain seeing you crying anymore and all those lies and stuff drives me crazy!" She breathed out

"H-how did h-he react?" My eyes started watering and down my tears fell

"He didn't say much...his mouth fell open before he said he would talk with you immediately. So he is basically on his way now. I just ran faster than ever..." she signed

"Gosh Kaya! You should have waited! But we should go before he comes" Rosa joined the conversation from the sofa

"I'm so sorry y/n..." Kaya said sadly as she opened the door for her and Rosa

"Sorry" Rosa said in pity

I stood kinda in shock not able to accept the news. As they were about to walk out of the door, Rosa bumped into something. Or someone...she bumped into Thomas

"Oh sorry" Rosa quickly mumbled before quickly passing by him with Kaya. Thomas didn't look like he expected them to be here, but he shrug before he walked into my apartment

"Y/n..." he signed as he closed the door

"She wasn't meant to tell you" I cried even more

"Hey..." he approached me with his arms wrapped gently around me "it's okay...we will be okay! I got you alright?"

"It's not okay Thomas! I'm sorry" I cried

"Sorry? Love, what on earth do you have to be sorry about!" He pulled me towards the nearest chair

"For getting pregnant..." I cried

"I got you pregnant love...We did that together and maybe is not a mistake" he smiled shyly at me while massaging my shoulders


"No buts love. Do you wanna keep it?" He asked gently

"I-i don't know" I shrug shaking

I never really thought about adoption. I didn't like the thought of a child that I had made just so that it could be taking away

"If you want to keep it we will keep it, but it's up to you alright? It's your amazing beautiful body" he kissed my hand

"We will keep it?" I sniffed

"Of course, I'm not going to run of like some of jerk. We will find a apartment together or you can move in with me and we will figure everything out" He said with a smile

"But it's so complicated, I don't want you to take new girls home everyday and what would the baby not think" I panicked. A Just Born baby probably wouldn't think the slightest about it, but I couldn't watch him take another girl home when I loved him

"What are you talking about?" He asked confused

"I can't live in a house with a baby and their father who haves 14 different relationships" I shrug with tears still running from my cheeks

"If it weren't for the circumstances I would have taken that comment slightly different" he signed
"y/n you are the only girl I have been seeing for the past 6 months, and I wasn't planning on moving forward with anyone else. I like you" he signed once again

"Like me as a good fuck" I crossed my arms

"Like you as I'm ready to start a family with you.
Yes it sure would be great if i told you about my feelings for you before you got pregnant, but maybe that was the push that I needed. I love you Y/n"

"L-love?" I asked shyly. Did he actually love me?

"Yea! I'm in love with you and I love you. You have never been a girl I was screwing! Once I met you I have stopped talking to any other girl and I saw you as the one"

"I-" I smiled "I thought you were the one from the start I just thought you saw it differently" I laughed at how silly I have been

"Guess we both have been acting foolish" he smiled as he pulled my into his chest

Soon we both learned in and shared a kiss, this kiss was some much different than all the hook up kisses. This kiss was filled with pure love and affection. They way his hands was wrapped around my waist made me realize that we were okay. We were okay and the baby was going to be okay. Funny he needed to get me pregnant before we could communicate about our feelings for on another

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