He isnt Thomas

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The past days have been a living hell...

Me & my boyfriend broke up over a stupid argument that I started and ended. He was so stupid, or he wasn't, but he was just acting stupid in that moment. I missed his touch, hugs & kisses. I missed all of him.

My friends we're trying to lighten up my mood
By setting me up with random guys, but the only problem was...he isn't Thomas

Thomas was the only one for me. Not Harry, not Tucker, not Janson, not the weird one.

"You need to get over him already! He was a jealous ass" my friend Ashly tried to tell me

"He is a sweet, hot jealous ass" I corrected her

"Y/n, Ashly is right. He got jealous that one time in the bar, at the event, at my party and now at your fricking cousin" My other friend Julia tried

"But maybe he got the right to get jealous. That guy in the bar did try to get in my pants, his 'friend' at the event didn't know about me & Thomas's relationship at the time, half of the guest to your weird party thought it was a orgy. And I honestly never introduced Thomas to my cousin Michel so when Michel & I said goodbye Thomas maybe thought the worst of it..." I shrugged

"Y/n it's sad to see you trying to defend him...He fucked up....get over him" They both said....

Dylan & Ki Hongs POV

We have been trying all day to get Thomas in a good mood, but it honestly doesn't work shit. He hasn't slept, ate or gotten outside in many days now

He is mad at himself. Very very very mad. And I get why, I would be too if I lost my girlfriend over a simple argument. We tried different things to lighten him up, but nothing seems to work, until Ki hong found some beers & cigarettes.

"Sooo....want to talk about it?" Ki hong tried as Thomas chuckled his seventh beer.

"There is nothing to talk about...." He shrugged

"Sure..." I said

"3...2...1" Ki hong whispered so only I could hear

"Was it really my fault?!" Thomas asked annoyed
"I mean yes, maybe I overreacted a little, but how was I suppose to know it was her cousin"

"Well...you did ruin his face slightly" I commented

"...your right....but I miss her" he sighed calmly

"You will get over her just in time" ki hong said

"What if I don't want to get over her? She's all I ever wanted" he signed

The doorbell suddenly made us all jump a little

Even tho I didn't know for sure, but something was telling me it was Y/n

Thomas quickly sprinted towards the door in hope for it to be y/n. Me & Ki looked over his shoulder as he opened the door revealing Y/n and her two friends.

"Y/n I-" Thomas started before her friend shut him up

"Close it Thomas, we are here to pick up her things" she snapped at him before bumping right past him

"Y/n could we please talk?" He tried again this time with luck

"Okay..." she nodded

They both went past us and directly into the living room where the rest of us stood

"Have you guys been drinking" y/n nodded towards the many empty beer bottles

"Ehh..." I scratched my neck awkwardly

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