Tempted - TBS

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⚠️Smut ahead⚠️
Y/ns POV

One hour ago was I desperate to make the perfect coffee art on the cappuccino the older woman had asked for. I worked in a Coffee shop a few bus stops away from my apartment that I shared with my boyfriend. I was on my own the last 2 hours as I had to close the shop, but that wasn't new to me.

I flipped the sign from open to closed as I begin to clean every flats. The doorbell rang as I heard footsteps enter the shop

"Sorry we are closed-" I said as I turned around and saw the only face I was actually glad to see

"Sorry Love, but I would fancy my girlfriend back home? Can I get it too go?" He joked

"Oh- hi Tommy" I blushed as I made my way over to him

He smiled as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead

"How was your day?" He smiled

"Bad...there was these drunk annoying men who came inside just before I closed and decided to ruin my day for good" I signed

"Did they harassed you!?" He asked worried

"No, don't worry. They broke a few cups by 'mistake' then they apparently had sneaked a speaker in here and they started playing loud music only to annoy. I also cut my finger on the broken glass" I sighed as I padded my head to avoid a headache

"Bloody hell Y/n, you should have called me and told me to get over here. How is your finger?" He gently took both of my hands and kissed each of them

"It's alright..." I smiled at his cuteness at least someone could bring me in a good mood

"We don't want you to go in bed with a bad mood, do we?" He asked with a smirk

"What are you saying?" I asked suspicious

after I made the cappuccino for the older lady and after I cut myself on the glass. Was I now pushed up against the counter with Thomas in between my legs. We were making out and I was very happy that I closed all doors before this happened

"Tommy" I moaned as I pulled away from the kiss and he moved towards my neck

"This is wrong" I moaned, but secretly loving it

"How come?" He asked through the kisses

"The fact that your about to fuck me on the same counter I make coffees for customers " I answered with a giggle

"We will clean up afterwards...and don't consider this as me fucking you, I rather like the word making love" He said as he slowly, but gently opened my pants

"I like that idea" I smiled even tho I knew I would regret it

We kept on fooling around until I was fully exposed underneath and his pants were down to his ankles

"Are you Ready?" He asked for the 100 time

"Mhm..." I nodded

"Alright" he nodded before he pulled himself inside me. Let's just say I didn't expect Thomas to fuck me senseless on my work counter, but this relationship was new after all

I moaned and screamed sounds I didn't knew I could make as he kept going with his hard trust. I blushed bright red as I moaned loudly, I wrapped my hand around my mouth to stop the sounds

"Don't do that, I love when you moan" he flashed his sexy smile

"But-" he trusted hard inside me for 5 times until I felt my self getting closer to the edge "uh!" I moaned again. He caressed my cheek as he slowly, but passionated kissed me on my lips

I knew I would finish soon I couldn't hold it no longer "Tommy I'm going to-" I moaned

"It's alright love, go ahead" he moaned back

I grabbed his shoulders in support as I came.
He moaned as he pulled out of me, yet he didn't finish? I knew he wouldn't finish inside me unless we had a deal or he was wearing a condom, but I couldn't let him satisfy me and not help him out.
Even tho I was out of breath and was sore between my legs, I jumped of the counter and got on my knees in front of him

"Love you don't have to-" he said, but I cut him off

"Yes I do" I smiled as I kissed his tip before taking him in my mouth. He was big, but I already knew that. I couldn't fit all of him in my mouth so I used my hands for the rest. He eventually groaned in pleasure and grabbed my hair gently

"Y/n, your so beautiful" he moaned and a few seconds later did he finish in my mouth. I shallow every bit before he helped me back on my feets

"Thank you...I love you" he smiled

"I love you too" I smiled as I learned in to kiss him

"Wait..." he laughed as he grabbed my water bottle from the side "drink this first"

"Why...you don't want to kiss me anymore?" I whined

"Of course I will...once you clean you mouth, lover" he giggle as he kissed my nose

"Meanie..." I pounded as I drank a bit of water

He grabbed the glass out of my hand and replaced it with his lips. I smiled as we pulled away again, I slightly blushed as I thought about what we just did.
I looked around the room for something to put my mind on, but tommy was too distracting. He always looked incredibly hot after sex, his hair a mess, his cheeks bright red and sometimes he would be out of breath.

Thomas cleaned the counter while I took care of the rest of my little shop, it took longer than normally, as Thomas would place small kisses on my cheek and neck while his arms wrapped tight around my waist.

But let's just say I went to bed with a smile on my face because of Thomas <3

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