On your knees - Newt

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Smut ahead:) Tihi

I stood in the garden watering and caring for one of my favorite plans in here. Why was it my favorite? Because Newt liked it too. Newt and I had been dating for about 2 weeks now and I was a nervous wreck around him, but deeply in love with him. It was a hot day in the glade and everyone was sweating or standing in lines to the shower.

Newt immediately took my attention as he groaned in frustration. He stood up against the fence, looking like he was in deep pain. My worries immediately went on his leg. I guess today was a bad day for his poor leg.

"Are you alright?" I asked worried

"Yeah...-" he suddenly groaned in pain again "actually maybe not" he confessed

"Is it your leg?" I stood up

"Yeah. Don't worry love it's just one of those days" he signed

"Try to put pressure on your leg. It worked with my arm" I told him

"Yeah?" He started pressing his hands on his leg, but lost balance and stopped again

"Let me help" I smiled before getting on my knees putting pressure on his leg. I liked to help Newt. He helped me the day I arrived in the glade 2 months ago and he had helped me ever since.

"Uhh love- I think you should stand up again" Newt scratched his neck awkwardly

I was confused to why he suddenly didn't need my help, but I stood back up until I heard whistling behind me

"Wow Y/n what a show your putting on" Minho laughed

"I'm just trying to help" I shrug shyly

"Mind helping me out later?" He smirked

"Are you hurt?-" I asked confused

"Minho shuck off" Newt said protectively

"Haven't you finished yet Newtie?" He joked

"Shut up Minho she was helping me with my ankle" Newt rolled his eyes

"Someone explain what's going on?" I asked confused

"Minho don't cock block him!" Winston laughed from the kitchen area

And there it hit me. Minho thought I was getting on my knees to....I felt my cheeks heat up with pure embarrassment. Me and Newt have never done anything close to that, yes we did kiss, snuggle and make out 2-3 times, but Minho really expected me to go down on him infront of the whole glade?!

"What the hell is wrong with you three!" I yelled at Minho, Winston and Newt, before leaving for my hut

I thought getting together with Newt would stop those sexually comments, but I guess I was wrong. I can't believe they all got dirtyminds like a 12 year old boy! And yet they are 18 or so

"Stupid, disgusting boys..." I mumbled to myself as I sat down on my bed

No...I was lying. Newt wasn't stupid or disgusting! He is just a teenaged boy that got himself a girlfriend. Of course I have thought about things that is likely close to his thoughts...

I'm very much attractive to newt even sexually attractive to him, even tho I don't want to admit it, but small things about him make me melt...

His jawline or the way he clenched his jaw when he is working

His Height...god when he has to bend his head to kiss me

His build...yes he is skinny, but he got abs and his arms are 🤤

His HANDS! I loved his hands! Sometimes he would place a hand on my thigh to comfort me, but he should just know what he actually do to me!
I must admit I have been thinking about what his hands could do...

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