Marry me (3-4) TBS

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Harry was just like the first time I met him...
Arrogant, selfish and harsh.

My father only got eyes for his money and not how he treats his surroundings. My father did even laugh at all his jokes even tho they were about slaves and mistreating. Thomas on the other hand looked very uncomfortable, maybe he didn't like the way he spoke or maybe it was because I was going to marry that monster that they called Harry.

"Now excuse me, but do you mind telling me why the farmer is eating dinner with us?" Harry laughed while looking at Thomas

"Actually he isn't our farmer, he is our gardener and he is very good at it" My father smiled politely at Thomas

"I'm here for Y/n" Thomas looked straight into Harry's eyes

"I-I What? Aren't we all here for Y/n" Harry laughed as he grabbed my hand

"Consider me as her company" Thomas said cold

"Very well...But she won't need you anymore slave man. She will have my company for the night" Harry smirked

I could tell it left a bad taste in Thomas's mouth. He wanted to fight him like he normally would do if someone harassed him, but not now in front of me or my parents

"What do you mean by tonight?" My father questioned. I was too focused on the comment Harry said to Thomas to even consider What Harry just said

"I have decided that since I'm marrying your daughter soon it would be the best if I slept in her room tonight with her. She is my fiancé isn't she?" Harry smirked at Thomas. Harry clearly saw the affection it had on Thomas and continued to tease him. I felt like throwing up...a night with Harry? What wouldn't he do to me?

"Oh? Don't you think you should have talked with me about it first" my dad asked

"Normally you don't sleep together until your wedding day" My mother said

"Well I have made up my mind...We need to know if the chemistry is there don't we?" He smirked at me

"I-I? No we....the rules...w-we can't" I breathed loudly, his plan was to rape me wasn't it?

Thomas had almost bend his fork all over at this point

"Oh don't worry sugar...we will have lots of fun" he whispered the last before giving my neck a quick kiss

It was father and Thomas stood up at the same time to talk. They both had enough of it

"Enough!" My father yelled

"Don't touch her!" Thomas yelled

They looked at each other both shocked that the other one spoke up. Thomas hesitated to say something before he sat back down and looked in my father's direction to see what he had to say. I smiled at Thomas before somehow letting go of Harry's strong grip on my hand.

"I see there is a problem?" Harry asked

"Y-yes...I don't want your hands on my daughter-" I smiled at my father he finally understood me

"At least not until you will be married" my father signed at sat down

I signed in disappointment why couldn't my father care about what I wanted?! I looked down at my feets. I finally thought this nightmare was over

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