My favorite man (1/2) - Newt

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Eyes where on me...they always where.
The gladers always look at me, but do they admire me for being me? No. They admire me for being a girl unfortunately for them not their girl.

I walked past the hungry looking boys. I couldn't tell if they where hungry after me or frypans delicious food. I heard Wolf whistle as I walked past them those sounds never made me comfortable.

My eyes quickly looked down at the ground until I arrived at the bench I was looking for

Newt, Minho, Winston, Thomas & Chuck was sitting around it

"Hey Y/n there is a free seat between me & Winston!" Minho winked at me from the other side of the bench

"I think I would pass" I mumbled, before nice hands found my waist and put me down on his lap

"How are you love?" Newt asked me

I smiled at him before moving closer to his good leg
"I'm good now thank you"  "how are you?" I asked him

"I'm tired...I think I will pass out early tonight" he told me

I smiled at him "yeah same...." I whispered

"Enough flirting love birds, y/n have you meet Thomas" Minho gestured to the newest arrival

"I did earlier today" I smiled friendly at Thomas

"Wait are you guys a couple?" He questioned looking at me and newt

newt shaked his head with his mouth foul of food

"No, but that doesn't mean you can try anything stupid" he gave in after a few seconds

Thomas shaked his head scared of newt. I kinda wished other gladers were scared of him too so that they wouldn't assault me. It also affected me when Newt told Thomas no to me and him dating. I liked him and I always had, Minho told me once that newt also had a eye for me, but I guess that was all a lie.

"Your awful quiet love, something happened ?" He whispered to me with worried eyes

"No..." I lied

"Have the other boys assaulted you?" He questioned

"No" I lied

"What sup Fat ass" - a glader called you earlier in the garden

"Did they touch you?" He asked

"No don't worry" I lied

I stood weeding the tomatoes when someone came behind me and grabbed my breast

"Does your head hurt? Or something else bothering?" he asked

"Maybe a little" I shrug

"Cmon, let's get you some food and water alright?" He kissed my cheek "it might help"

I blushed by the touch of his lips and nodded in agreement

"Should I get it for you?" He asked gently

"No it's alright, just stay here and eat your own food" I smiled at him before getting up from his lap and walking towards the line to the kitchen

I could tell Newt kept his eyes on me. He always did,  just to make sure nothing bad happened when I wasn't by his side. I usually skipped meals because the other boys would comment on it and that made me so uncomfortable that I just Forced myself to kept going without food.

But I would eat for Newt. He liked to check on me everyday. He liked to hear if I drank enough water or ate enough food.

Third person POV

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