Bad day - Newt

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I haven't seen newt all day and it was kinda bothering me. Alby had him wrapped around in chain...or almost

Newt looked like he was having another stressful day and I hated when he had Those days

Me & newt started dating for 2 months ago and he was sweet and caring, but he has been so tired & sad recently and it doesn't fit him

Dinner was finally ready and Newt had his first break of the day

Minho & Thomas begin giggling like little girls as soon as they saw newt coming towards us

"Well you look like shit shank" Minho laughed and padded his shoulder as newt sat down and laid his head on the table

He signed "tell me about it..."

"I just did, but okay fine if you want details first of all your hair is a mess second your-" I cut him of

"Minho shuck it" I told him

I grabbed Newts hand and he looked up from the table "Are you alright Newtie?" I asked him

"Yeah love just tired that's all" he said

I nodded "Im gonna go grab you some food alright?" I kissed his cheek

"Thanks love" he said before returning his head to the table

The line for food was long, but luckily for me was Alby just behind me

"Hey...Alby?" I asked

"Yes y/n?"

"I was wondering if you could give newt some more free time"

"What? Why?" He asked

"Well look at boy is tired" I said

We both looked at newt laying what looked like asleep on the table

"Hmm...yeah well maybe" he shrugged

"Pleaseeee Alby it's not fair for him" I begged

"Fine...he can have more breaks...actually he can get tomorrow off" Alby smiled at me

"OH! Thank you thank you THANK YOU!" I said excited before wrapping my arms around him

"Your crazy" Alby laughed as I let go and grabbed newts plate

"Thank you" I smiled before sitting back at my table

"Here you go lover" I placed the plate in front of him, but he didn't react

"Newt" Minho pushed him by his shoulder and Newt almost flew up from the table obviously asleep

"Oh thanks love" he said before eating hungrily

After he was done eating

"Alright I think I will head to bed...y/n could you join?" He asked sweetly

"Awwww...need his teddy bear to fall asleep" Thomas laughed

"Shut up Tom" I warned "let's go" I kissed newts cheek

"Night Newtie booty we will sing you a good night song in a bit" Minho & Thomas teased him for fun, but newt didn't seem to care

As soon as we entered his room he bumped unto his bed

"Honey?" I asked as I sat down and played with his hair

"Yeah love?" He asked tiredly

"I talked with Alby...anddd you can have a day off tomorrow" I whispered

"Really? You did that for me?" He asked sweetly

"Of course I did, you need some rest and a break" I kissed his hand

"Oh Lovely..." he smiled as he brought me unto his lap "I think I need something else then rest & a break" he smirked

"Oh really?" I teased "I thought you were sleepy"

"I am, but that doesn't me I can't..." he said as his hand traveled down my body....

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