Lovers - Newt

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"Y/n....I love you and you make me feel so loving every time you smile at me. Your perfection and-"

"And you make me feel like puking" Minho groaned from beside me

"Was it that bad?" I groaned

"No...or yes, but that fact that your trying is awesome pretty cool of you" He smiled at me

"The fact that I'm trying? You think I'm stupid for trying don't you?" I signed

"Yep" he said and leaned back in the little chair I have in my hut

"What should I do then?" I signed

"Just say 'Hey y/n your hot and nice let's shuck' see it's easy" he says Proudly

"I can't tell her that...." I signed

"Well is the truth isn't it?" He looked at me deadly in the eyes

"No...or yes or idk. I don't like to use the word hot...she's so much more that that..."

"Spicy?" He added

"No!" I laughed

"She's shy and beautiful absolutely gorgeous" I almost melted just by the thought of her

"Anyways...dinner is ready and I'm starving" he stood up as we both walked down to the kitchen area

"What's for dinner fry?" Minho yelled

"Chicken and rise. Your favorite" he reminded Minho with a smile, but he probably didn't make it for Minho. It was y/n favorite food as well. Almost everyone in the glade including Fry wanted her attention in some kind of way and this was Fry's.

Me & Minho got our food before sitting down at a table with a few of our good friends

We shared a few laughs while we ate until someone else caught my eyes. Y/n my dearest y/n. She sat down at a table with Chuck and ate in silence with him.

"Daydreaming?" Minho teased me

"Shuck it" I signed

"Daydreaming about who?" Winston asked

"No one"

"Y/n of course" Minho laughed

"Y/n really? You think you can get your hands on her?" Gally overheard our conversation from another table

"I never said that..." I gulped looking at y/n, she didn't hear us cause she was luckily far away

"She needs a real man. A man without limping" Gally and his friends laughed

"Funny..." i rolled my eyes before returning to my hut

They were right of course. I could never get y/n. I was nothing compared to the other boys. I was taller than most of them, but they were stronger and also not limping around. I laid in my bed the rest of the night. Minho tried to talk to me, but I told him to leave me alone. I didn't need his advice at the moment.

I shuffled of my shoes and shirts before returning to my bed. I laid thinking for a while. The grievers were screaming loudly as always. Then a knock appeared on my door. I signed probably Minho again, but it was late so he was probably already sleeping? I walked towards the door and surprisedly welcomed y/n with A single tear running down her cheek while she was holding a blanket close to her chest.

"Y/n? Are you alright, what happened?" I asked worried as I stepped out to her and wrapped my arms around her

"They are so loud and scary" she cried out

"Who are?" I asked dumbly

"The grievers" she looked down

Y/n hut was right Next to the walls so she could hear every single scream or movements from the maze 10 times worse than the rest of us. She wrapped her arms around me needing that hug.

"They won't hurt you when your in here love, but I understand that they are scaring you. I will talk with Alby tomorrow about moving your hut, but for now you can sleep in here and I will take your hut. How does that sound?" I asked her

She nodded "but...can't you stay with me in here?"

"Yeah? If that's your wish" I smiled at her

We walked back inside my hut and she stood shyly in the corner while I made the bed comfortable for her to sleep in. I placed the small blanket on the chair so I could sleep there.

"W-why? Why are you doing that?" She asked

"Why am I doing what?" I asked

"Why are you putting the blanket there?" She nodded towards the chair "aren't you staying in bed with me?"

"A-are you sure you would like that?" I asked

"Yes that's why I came. I like when you hold me, it makes me feel save" she smiled shyly

"Oh" I blushed before nodding in agreement and pulling the blanket back on the bed

We both laid down in my bed heads towards the wall until she decided to move her head on my naked chest. Brave move...I wish I could be so brave

"Y/n...." I whispered

"Newtie?" She whispered back

"Newtie?!" I laughed

"What? It sounds so cute" she giggle

"Your the only one who gets to call me that for sure"
I blushed at her little giggle

"Yaaay I'm special" she joked "now what did you want to ask me?"

"Ehm.....I- I nothing" I signed

"Oh Cmon Newtie, your always so sweet to me please tell me!" She whined

"You won't like it..." I signed

"I like you so give it a try" she smiled at me

"You? You like me?" I asked nervously

"Of course i do! I wouldn't choose to knock on your room if I didn't like you" she smiled

I sat up in bed which made her head move away from my chest

"Like me as a good friend?" I asked nervously

"No.." she smiled

"Then like me as what? A good second in command?" I asked tempted

"Newt..." she whispered slowly as she placed her hand gently on my chin looking up to meet my eyes

I couldn't control myself anymore it was like magnets pulling my lips to hers. I kissed her lips slowly at first. I was terrified of which i either got a slap or a smile, but before I could think any further did her lips move in sync with mine. She was kissing me back?

I slowly pulled away not wanting to, but I needed to know if it was okay with her

"I love you" I whispers not knowing if I would regret does words if she breaks my heart

"I love you too" she blushed deeply which made me smile

"B-but i thought-" I hesitated

"Why wouldn't I Newtie? You are so good to me and that's very attractive" she smiled as she kissed my chin sweetly

"So are you love, but Gally said-" I thought back to earlier where Gally pointed out how y/n needed a real man, someone who definitely wasn't me

"That I needed a real man? Yeah Minho told me that. Newt you are a real man, more manly then any other of those slintsheads, you have all the good qualities and I feel so many butterflies around you" she blushed bright red

"Yeah?" I smiled as I hugged her close to my chest

"My girl" I whispered as I kissed her head

"My man" she smiled back

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