Nightmares - Newt

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I turned around in my bed not able to sleep because of the snoring that came from Minhos room he was a very loud sleeper. Somehow I always found comfort from Newt who had a room to my right, his sweet snoring always made me feel save and his cute mumbles, but this night I heard nothing. He was so quiet...eventually I fell asleep myself

The day after was very much like every other day in the glade. I ate my breakfast, started working, ate lunch...the only thing missing was Newt

Well he was standing in the garden, but he never came over like he always did. Was something wrong?

"Hey fry do you know if Newt is okay? He's acting kinda weird" I said

"Oh I probably shouldn't tell you...he didn't want me to" he said

"He didn't want you to tell me?" I asked confused

"The boy is embarrassed I shouldn't tell you" He said and I got even more confused

Newt didn't speak a word with me that day and he was the first one to go to bed. He was maybe tired? He was been looking very exhausted the whole day

I went back to my bed as usual. I just sat in my own thoughts...why wouldn't newt talk to me? Or hide something from me?

My thought were interrupted when I heard some noises from newts room. He yelled for a second then I heard some heavy breath

I needed to know what was going on! So I got up from my bed and went to Newts door

I knocked on it for 2 minutes before a tired looking newt opened the door

"Are you alright?" I almost whispered

"I' fine" he said

"Why haven't you been talking with me today?" I said

"Don't worry love I was just tired" he said like he clearly knew that he had been ignoring me the whole day

"Are you sure your alright?" I said as I notice his red eyes and the sweat on his forehead

"A nightmare that's all..." he whispered, but loud enough for me to here

"Do you have nightmares a lot?" I asked and he just nod

"Frypan said you were embarrassed. Is that what your embarrassed over?" I asked

"Listen is not normal for a teenage boy like me to wake up every night sweaty and teary weren't suppose to know" he said

"Well...I'm glad I do" I took his hand and he just looked up at me

"I'm glad I know...and I wouldn't dare to tell anyone about it" I said

When I first arrived in the glade newt wasn't there to
Get me out of the box like he did now. He laid in bed at the med jacks after the accident and that's how I met him. When I was trying out for jobs was my job in the medjack to look after Newt. We got close and he told me about his jump that took place only 2 days after I arrived. I could only imagine that his nightmares was based on that

"Would you lay with me?" He suddenly ask


"Just until I fell asleep" he said

I smiled and nodded "of course I will"

So we both headed inside his little room it was smaller than mine, but his bed was bigger. We both laid down in his king sized bed and cuddle us close to one another

After about 10 minutes or so did Newt fall asleep, but I didn't bare to leave him so I stayed and not after long I fell asleep myself

Newts POV

When I woke up the next morning did I expect my bed to be empty besides me, but there she was. Her head on my chest and her hand in mine

This is the first night for a very long time that I haven't woken up by a nightmare

She woke up not long after me and mumbled

"Could we do this more often?" she whispered

"Agreed" I smiled at her

2 month later......

"I'm gonna hit to bed" I kissed the top of my girlfriends head

"Sure you don't want me to join you?" She smiled

"I would, but if your having fun you should stay here" I smiled back

"Okay...I'm coming in 30 minutes and find me if you need anything" she smiled

"Alright lover" he smiled and walked to our shared hut

"URGH....I hope I don't hear any noises from you guys room tonight" Minho groaned

"His nightmare coming back?" Thomas asked confused

"No, but their lust for each other is" Minho groaned and made a grossed out look

"Not my fault he is attractive and cute" I smiled proud

"First he couldn't sleep because nightmares, and now the poor boy is making love to you all night. Now I'm the one with nightmares" Minho groaned

I laughed him off. I was in just in love with Newt

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