Nerd (1-2) TBS

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College is sure is

Luckily I found myself in a very good spot. I got invited to all the parties, My coach even said I was the best player on the soccer team, I had nice grades, I had lots of nice friends. I hate to admit it, but my friend group was the 'popular' group in school.

College involved all kinds of personalities. 40% Boys and 60% girls. Boys were fighting for girls even tho their was more of them then us. Girls were gossiping and making drama like they are supposed too.

But out of those 60 %girls I only got my eye on one. For now i get to call her my friend. She isn't in my friend group, quite the opposite. Some people call her "a part of the outcast", but I just call her y/n.

She's clever the cleverest person I have ever met! She's beautiful absolutely beautiful She's incredibly talented with art and paintings! She's funny, she really is, but she is too shy around me, but I did caught her a few times saying funny stuff to her friends.

"Thomas? Earth to Thomas?" Dylan laughed

"What mate?" I rolled my eyes

"Daydreaming about Rosa again?" Ki hong smirked

"Rosa? No? No bloody hell" I shook my head

"I don't get you man. The hottest girl in our school wanna bang you and you refuse? Why?" Will laughed

"She's boring. Nothing special besides she has already been around the whole school" I shrug

"Anyways...." Dylan laughed "I asked the landlord if we could borrow her house on Friday and surprisedly enough she said yes!" He announces and everyone clapped

"Everyone is joining right?" Kaya looked at all of us

"I don't know..." I signed

"WHAT?" Everyone signed "why not?" Kaya asked me

"Well Dylan, Ki and Will if you don't remember we have a pretty important match the morning after" I said. Coach James has just promoted me and I need to live up for that title

"Thomas Cmon man! It will be fun and you can bring whoever chick you want screw" Dylan pleaded with a slightly smirk. He knew who I had in mind.

"Fine" i signed


As me and Dylan walked down towards our dorm I spotted her. She was struggling with the door. Her heavy books in her hands made it impossible for her to open the heavy door, maybe she locked herself out again. Dylan slightly pushed my shoulder which confused me before I understood why. He quickly pushed me towards her and locked himself into our dorm right across from hers.

"Need help?" I asked

She jumped obviously not knowing I was standing behind her. She turned around and looked at me a slight blush creeped up on both our cheeks.

"Y-yea please" she whispered shyly

I smiled as I stood behind her, helping her open the door and it finally worked.

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