Jack & Y/n - Artful dodger

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Their first meeting

My morning peace by the window was interrupted as Hetty pulled the door open.
Fagin looked up and dropped his crumpet in his lap

"Oh for god sake! Can't even eat a shitty crumpet in peace!" He said in frustrations

Me and Hetty both rolled our eyes

"What is it now?" I asked only half dressed

"A patient need you" She said

"Right" I nodded "give me a second"

She nodded and left. I quickly got dressed and drank the last bit of my water before filling my cup up agian and drinking that.

"Always in such a hurry dodge, why don't you sit down a minut, then make me a new crumpet and get Sneed to help those patients"

"Well I happen to like my job" I answered

"Do you now? All that blood, vomit and shit is enjoy full for you?"

I simply rolled my eyes not wanting to start another discussion with him, he gives me a headache enough

"What ladies comes with that" he snapped

I tied my green tie around my neck, catching his stare in the mirror

"Just eat your damn crumpet and shut it" I replied as I walked out slammed the door and walked down to the hospital.

"Patient in room 6" Hetty said while handing me papers of the patient

I grabbed the papers slowly scanning them and walked to room six.

"Alright..." I read "good morning Mrs Y/l/n"

I looked up from the paperwork and spotted a young lady she was probably 2 years younger than me.

She sat in her blue dress with white bows, a dark blue bow in her hair, and matching high heels. She was...beautiful.

"Morning Doctor...? And It's Miss Y/l/n" she smiled at me

"Doctor Dawkins" I smiled back "Now what can I help you with Miss Y/l/n"

"Its my ankle" She replied

I looked down at her ankle, there was a deep open wound

"Ouch, can't walk very good with that can u?" I asked as I pulled a chair to sit towards her

"And I would believe those heels don't do you any better" I pointed at her high heels

"No not at all, but mother said that's what ladies wear" she smiled

"Well I suppose so, but I'm not assuming they are quite nice on your feet" I laughed

"Indeed not" she giggle agreeing

"Well would u mind taking of your heel so I can take a closer look" I said and she did so

"May I?" I reached for the ankle


I started to clean the wound her face scrunch as I do so

"What are you doing?" She asked

"Just cleaning to make sure there will be no bacteria" I said

"Oh okay"

"Don't you wonder what happen?" She asked

"Well not exactly" I sign, trying to concentrate

"It was my cousin's dog, such a biter" she argued with herself

"Do you like dogs?" She asked

I signed loudly "do you always ask so many questions?"

Her face went completely pale as she looked away from me

"I'm just nervous" she whispered

I signed. I never meant to be mean.

"No I'm - I'm sorry. It's alright. Ask away"
I said

She didn't reply

"I..I just had a bit of a tough morning, I'm sorry for snapping at you"

"How so?" She asked interested

I smiled at her curiosity

"Well my roommate can be a bit of pain in the ass. Always complaining about stuff" I signed

"You seem to be alike" she smiled

"Yeah?" I smiled "again I'm sorry for snapping at you"

"It's alright. Is it your wife who complains?" She asked

"Wife?! No! No..." I laughed "he is about 70 years old, maybe overreacting a bit. And definitely not my wife!" I smiled

"Oh my mistake then" she giggle

"I haven't seen you before, are you new in town?" I asked

"Yes, arrived here 2 weeks ago. Daddy says is the city for adventure. But so far I only left home to go here" she said

"Adventure? Yeah well it's definitely filled with lots of different cultures"

"I like different cultures. It's so much different than London here" she smiles

"Are you from London?" I ask excited

"Of course! Can't you hear" she smiled

"I'm from London as well!"

"Really?" She smiled

"Yes, I grew up there" I smiled

This conversation went on for a long time, meanwhile was I done fixing her ankle. We talked for another 20 minutes after I was done. Time was simply not important in this moment.

"Dr Dawkins, other patients need attention" Hetty smacked the door open glaring at the both of us

"Right" I said disappointed

"Oh I better be going then" Y/n said standing up

"How much do I own you?" She looked at me

"10!" Hetty said

"None" I said in union with Hetty

I glared at Hetty

"I will leave a 15" Y/n smiled "Thank you for talking with me, I almost forgot my ankle was in pain. It was nice" she said

"It was nice. I enjoyed our talk" I smiled

"Well thank you Doctor Dawkins" she smiled as she went to leave

"Jack!" I said

She turned back around and blushed


"Will I see you again Y/n?" I smiled widely

"Perhaps. I hope so, Jack" she smiled as she left.

Hetty glared at me

"Introducing names to patients are we now?" She asked

"Apparently so..." I smiled thinking of Y/n.

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