Period - TBS

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I woke up in the middle of the night in my boyfriend Thomas's bed. His apartment was quiet only the sound of his faint snoring filled the room.

I wrapped my arms around my stomach as I was filled with pain

"Argh..." I whispered in pain

I already told Thomas that there was a chance that I would get my period in the night, but he told me to sleep with him anyways.

I managed to get out of Thomas grip around my waist And went for my bag to grab a pad

"You have to be kidding..." I whispered realizing that I didn't bring any pads over here.

Me and Thomas recently started dating as we both were casted in the maze runner, so I didn't have anything in his house yet

"Love? Are you alright?" He says while rubbing his eyes

"Yea..." I smiled at him "go back to sleep" I said
As I stood up and grabbed my car keys

"Are you leaving me?" He said in a sleepy voice while rubbing his eyes

"Just for a few minutes...I need pads" I whispered

He pulled the blanket away from his body and put on his pants. I didn't say anything yet I was confused

"Alright let's go" he smiled grabbing my hand

"No..." I giggle "Go back to bed lover"

"I'm not letting you out there in the dark night alone..." he said taking my car keys and putting them back on the counter.

"I'm driving" he smiled and kissed my forehead.

As we got inside his car he kept asking me if there was anything I needed sort as chocolate, blankets, warm drink, cold drink, comfy clothes, and so on

I was really admiring my pretty hot boyfriend. I just sat and watched him as he was driving.

When we got to the gas station which was the only one that was open in the middle of the night Thomas was running around finding things for me

"And a extra blanket..." he said as the last thing
Our bag was filled up with candy, blankets & pads

"You are adorable" I said as I planted my lips on his.

When we got back to Thomas's house he made the bed the most comfortable as he could as I changed into new pants & a pad

"Sleepy time" he wrapped his arms around me as I came back to the bedroom

"Yea..." I yawned "Goodnight lover boy"

"Goodnight princess....I love you"

"What? You never said that before?" I giggle

"Sorry..." he smiled "I did now"

"I love you too" I kissed his sweet lips before falling back to sleep

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