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A= Aftercare (What is he like after sex)He always put you before himself so whatever you need he will bring or do example give you lots of cuddles, kisses & his hoodie

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A= Aftercare (What is he like after sex)
He always put you before himself so whatever you need he will bring or do example give you lots of cuddles, kisses & his hoodie

B= Body part (His favorite body part of you)
He likes a lot of things about you, but your eyes is he in love with, but if he is drunk it's probably your butt or boobs

C= Cumming
He always try to last as long as possible so that you always finish before him, but when it's his turn he always pulls out! That included BJ as well. He say "your mouth is to sweet for that"

D= Dirty secret
Whenever he is sitting down with a hard he always make sure to pull you down on his lap so that you can feel exactly how you make him feel

E= Experience
He isn't experiences when it comes to sex (at least what he knows) but before you arrived he would take care of himself easily if he had time. When you guys finally began with sexual stuff would he teach you how

F= Favorite position
He likes missionary because of eye contact and the feeling of being in control, but when he is exhausted which he is most times during the glade he would let you ride him

G= Goofy (Mood whenever your doing it)
He likes to make you laugh & giggle so that he knows 100% that your enjoying yourself

H= Happens? (Where does the magic happen?) it can happen most places as long your both in for it and horny

I= Intimacies
Newt loves to be romantic with you and it turns the both of you on when he is. He calles you sweet things always and tell you how greatful he is to be able to do this with you

J= Jerking off
Before the two of you got together would Newt undone himself and you would do too...little did each other not know is that your were both thinking about each other

K= Kink
He likes when your in charge cause it doesn't happen often, but sometimes if you felt naughty you would whisper dirty things to him while he was working

L= Location
In your hut or Newts is must preferred, but one or two times in the tower & a lot! In the forest

M= Motivation
When meetings happens as they do...Newt would often get frustrated because of the other glades being annoyed, but you would always tell them to leave you and afterwards telling him how much he is doing for everyone and how wonderful he is

N= No!
Newt would never ever do anything that involves you hesitating! He would never make you do something you aren't ready for or just don't want to

O= Oral (giving or receiving)
He likes giving because it turns him on and he loves to see the affection on you. He loveeeees received it happens probably every morning when he would woke up with a morning wood.

P= Pace (Rough, fast or slow?)
He likes to say he is slow, but after a few minutes isn't he able to hold himself back so things can get pretty rough, but you love it. He often leaves marks on your hips or thighs

Q= Quickie
Both! He can't decide

R= Risks
He likes to experiment as long as your willing to do. We took a risk not long ago at dinner. You were wearing your Normal skirt and Newt would tease you under it all dinner! Luckily no one found out

S= Stamina (how long/rounds can he go?)
He can surprisingly last long and it's wonderful, but when he finish the first time he is completely exhausted, but if your up to a round two he would pull back some strength

T= Toy?
When you arrived at the glade was some boxes followed. You was received with a vibrator and you would use it before you become officially with newt. You thought you threw it out, but Newt ended up finding it and would tease you with it

U= Unfair (Speaking of teasing)
He can be a big tease until you throw him some eyes and he will basically rip of your clothes. He himself has a kinda love/hate relationship with teasing

V= Volume
When you first began having sex was it very quite because you didn't want the others to know, but one day was newt in a very naughty mood and made you scream his name louder then ever. The glade would tease you both after that and they still do. He grunts, heavy breath & moaning your name

W= Wildcard (If he could choose someone to have or to join?) he would never do it with anyone else or have a third one. He likes it just you and him and that's how its suppose to be!

X= X-Ray (his Look down there)
Newt himself is skinny and tall, but down there...
Down there is newt long and big...Huge

Y= Yearning (Sex Drive)
He walks around with a bonner 24/7 he either sees you, touched you, things of you, smell you, reminding you just little things about you that gets him going

Z= ZZZ (Sleeeeeeep!!😴)
He is exhausted after sex, but managed to stay awake until your sleeping so he knows your okay

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