He is sick - Newt

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Y/n Pov

I watched my boyfriend working hard in the garden he looked more palm then usual & exhausted

"Hi lover!" I ran up behind him

"Oh! Y/n you scared me" he sniffed

"Sorry i Just came to check up on you, you look palm" I said

"See I'm not the only one who thinks that" Zard laughed

"Shuck it...I'm alright" he said as he coughed

"Newt come on I will bring you to bed" I say

"I'm alright love, just a small fever nothing bad" he said as he continued to work

I gave Zard a (he is really sick isn't he?) look and he nods in agreement

"Newtie follow me" I say


"Now" I plant my foot

"Better listen to your girlfriend Newtie" Zard laughs

"Fine..." newt sign

We walk into his hut and I tell him to go sit

"Y/n your overreacting-" He sneeze

"Maybe...but your sick Newt please go lay down I will talk with Alby, alright?" I asked

"Okay boss" he joked before laying down under his covers

I stormed over to Alby and told him about the situation, he immediately agreed with me

"That boy needs a day of anyway he work his butt of all the time" Alby says

"Thank you Alby" I will bring him the good news I smiled before running back to newts hut

"Newt you can-" I stop myself as I see him sleeping cutely. His lips slightly apart, his chest moves every second, he is so cute...and sick

"I love you" i whisper

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