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A= Aftercare (What is he like after sex)
He normally cuddles you for a few minutes before leaving for his cigarettes that he always smokes after sex, but he immediately returns back to you afterwards

B= Body part (His favorite body part of you)
He loves every single part as Thomas falls for personality and not look, but he must admit he is deeply in love with your butt

C= Cumming
He usually pulls out if you go raw, but then comes over your breast or stomach

D= Dirty secret
Even tho Thomas is as professional as he is he always managed to get dirty thoughts about you during his day. Like bending you over on set, letting you ride him on his motorcycle

E= Experience
He wasn't a virgin when you first met him. He had a bit experience with his ex girlfriend who also managed to break his heart, but when you met him he knew what he was during

F= Favorite position
There is many! Missionary, doggy style and when you ride him

G= Goofy (Mood whenever your doing it)
He loves to make you laugh and blush during sex it just makes it more comfortable for the both of u

H= Happens? (Where does the magic happen?) whenever your in the mood honestly...in public changing rooms, in his car, on his bike, in his dressing room on set, kitchen, bathroom & bed

I= Intimacies
He always tells you how much you mean to him! Before and after! He always wants you to genuinely know how much he loves you

J= Jerking off
You did actually caught him once or twice getting himself off, but you didn't mind at the time. It was when you first starting dating and you wasn't ready to go all the way just yet. You caught him in the shower, but you just smiled to yourself and left him to do it. But he luckily doesn't have to deal with that himself anymore

K= Kink
Rough sex...why? Well...Thomas likes to rough when it comes to sex. He is always sweet to begin with, but then he turns hungry

L= Location
In a prober good bed & with his beautiful girlfriend

M= Motivation
You! Being the actor he is comes with a lot of turn downs....he lives in London, but all his friends lives in us, but you will go everywhere with him. When he is stressed about a audition or a script you always finds the right words just for him

N= No!
Anything that involves you hesitating.

O= Oral (giving or receiving)
Both...he loves a blowjob, but like to dominate you a bit

P= Pace (Rough, fast or slow?)
He likes to say he is slow, but after a few minutes isn't he able to hold himself back so things can get pretty rough, but you love it. He often leaves marks on your hips, ass, breast or thigh

Q= Quickie
Both! He can't decide

R= Risks
Thomas is very professional and obviously a good actor so I think his worst nightmare is to get caught doing naughty things with you, but the thought of getting caught turns him on...

S= Stamina (how long/rounds can he go?)
Not hours, but he managed to make it good and long for the both of you

T= Toy?
Not really...but one time one of your crazy friends bought you handcuffs & a vibrator for your birthday. You learned to use that...a lot

U= Unfair (Speaking of teasing)
You know when he is horny and he know when you are...send him the blink and boom...his pants are off

Thomas is able to make you scream in pleasure and you let him. When you guys are at your house you try to put down the volume due to your neighbors

W= Wildcard (If he could choose someone to have or to join?) he would never do it with anyone else or have a third one. He likes it just you and him and that's how its suppose to be!

X= X-Ray (his Look down there)
Thomas himself is skinny and tall, but down there...
Down there is newt long and big...Huge

Y= Yearning (Sex Drive)
He walks around with a bonner 24/7 he either sees you, touched you, things of you, smell you, reminding you just little things about you that gets him going

Z= ZZZ (Sleeeeeeep!!😴)
He is exhausted after sex, but managed to stay awake until your sleeping so he knows your okay

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