Marry me (1-4) - TBS

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The words ran around in my it true? Will she be married to another man who doesn't even love her? Does she want to? Or is it just rumors that some bird has spilled...

I turned over and over in my almost broken bed

She couldn't be..,I couldn't let her!

I quickly got up from the scramble bed and ran towards the castle. As i worked in the gardens for her parents I knew how to get in there

And there she was...weirdly she was awake in the middle of night even more weird was how she admired the plants in the dark in her night groom but the weirdest thing was the visible tear on her cheek

"Is it true?" I asked her

Her back was against me "is what true?" She asked

"That your marrying him...king of the north" I signed

She shakes her head "Is it already a rumor?" She asked

"Please....Princess Y/ it true?" I lost hope

"It's my destiny" she signed

"Who says that?"

"My father...Im meant to find the most powerful man and my due is to marry him....make him happy and pleasure him" she said her voice was shaking

"What if he doesn't love you? And what if you doesn't love him" I pleaded

"I have to love him..." she chuckle "who cares what I have to say as long as my dad gets good connection with the king of north"

"I care..." I signed

"You shouldn't...your wasting your time"

"I will care due to the rest of my life " I said

"Tommy...your my don't understand I can't love you" her voice even more shaking. Was she crying again?

"Well why can't you? I will give you all I have, even tho that isn't will get all my love and I will care for you...also when your sick"  I took of my hat and placed it at my heart

"I can't" she sniffed

"Please....marry me and I will do anything for you" I pleaded

"Is not as easy as it may appear to you!" She finally turned around and pushed me in the chest. She was crying

"Even tho how much I love you, they would never understand" she cried

"We will run away" I tried again

"They will haunt us down and kill you" she cried out

"I don't care all I ever and have ever cared about is you! Your the one for me and I will talk with your dad" I said

"Talk with my dad?! You think it will help us any good?! Your head will be on a stick by the end of the day...and I can't do that" she cried and fell to the ground

I quickly wrapped my arms around her, she was now crying in my arms. I'm hers and I always will be.

I love her, and her destiny is to be loved and hopefully feel the comfort to love back

"Y/n I love you" I whispered

"You shouldn't..." she shaked her head

"But I do, and I always will do even with my head on a stick"

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