Two sides - TBS

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Liam= Y/N Ex boyfriend

Thomas= Y/N boyfriend


First kiss...

Liam: Y/n POV somehow I ended up at the party I didn't wanna go to my friends had left me alone with some guy he seemed funny, but very loudly and a little bit of a attention seeker. He bought me a drink and before I even touch it did he throw it out of my hand and grabbed roughly onto my face then smashing our lips together. His hands quickly found my body and his hands was now all over me. Not what I expected for a first kiss...

Thomas: Y/n POV the way he smiled and let out one of his little laugh made me blush. I have known Thomas for a while now and he was always so nice towards me. I was ditched by my friends at a event so I was standing all alone while admiring Thomas. His eyes found mine and soon was he joining me in the corner. "You look lovely" he smiled at me and I blushed "you don't look bad yourself" I smiled. We were joined by a few others and again I was standing admiring Thomas as he talked with his friends. His hand found it's way around my waist as he pulled me closer to him as he decided to introduce me to his friends. He didn't let go of me before he whispered "do you wanna go for a walk?" I nodded as we left the event. We walked down to the beach admiring the sun slowly going down leaving a beautiful pink sky above us..."Y/n?" He said "Yes?" I said "may I kiss you?" He asked and I nod. Soon after was his hands around my waist and his lips was against mine for what seemed forever, but I loved every little second of it...

Introducing parents...

Liam: Y/n POV "Liam if this is going to continue I would love you to meet my parents" i smiled at him and he just shrugged "they invited us over for dinner" I said "I don't like dinner" he said and my smile fainted "you don't have to eat anything" I said
"I don't like parents" he said and I just nod looking down at my feets. "But you could go ahead and tell them I would love to meet them, but unfortunately I can't because of some very important work? Alright Baby girl?" He smirked and I nodded...

Thomas: Y/n POV "I think he is here!" My mom yelled from downstairs so I quickly ran down and opened the door to find Thomas "Hey love" he smiled at me while handing me a rose "oh thank you Thomas my favorites" I smiled and kissed his cheek "I got some for your mother as well" he looked down at a bucket in his hand. "Lovely to finally meet you Thomas we have heard a lot about you!" My mom smiled as she placed the bucket in her vase "lovely to meet you too" he smiled. Dinner was kinda intense, because my dad wouldn't go easy on Thomas, but I did have a history of dating stupid guys...cough cough Liam...but it didn't seem to affect Thomas he smiled and answered all my dad's questions. "So do you have a driver license?" My dad asked his 81 questions "Yea for my motorbike and car" Thomas answered the 81 question. "I'm sorry Thomas y/n's father can be a lot to handle" my mom laughed "no that's alright I get why" Thomas smiled and took my hand...

After sex...

Liam: Y/n POV I was in pain pure pain he didn't really care for my first was sex and he wanted it wild & rough which to me was pain! Pain! Pain! It was my first time so i don't quite know what's normal and what's not, but I could tell that he didn't bother. He had to meet up with his friends so we both had to leave his apartment he quickly said goodbye before running after a bus. I fell down to my knees and cried I just needed to cry it all out I was obviously still in pain and regretting everything in my head...

Thomas: Y/n POV having sex with Thomas was obviously painful if you knew his size plus it was a long time since I did this last time, but I wouldn't even call this for sex. This was love we were making love. He was making love to me. When we both finally caught our breath didn't he hesitate before kissing my forehead and whispered sweet things to me. He picked me up bridal style and filled up a warm hot bath for me. I told him to join so he did and there we sat for another 30 minutes with him drawing hearts on my skin. He helped me dry before he handed me one of his shirts to wear so I did. We then got back into my bed was he spoiling me with kisses and sweet words...


Liam: Liams POV y/n and her friends was at a club only 2 minutes away from my apartment I didn't really care to be honest, but one of her friends called me and told me to come down and take her home "what do you think this is? A private bodyguard or what?" I laughed "Oh Cmon she passed out drunk just be a nice boyfriend and come get her" she said "urghhhh fine whatever" I said as I hung up. I went down to the club and waited outside until y/n friends came out with a very drunk y/n. I wrapped my arm around her and quickly began to walk home before y/n fell out of my arm and down onto the streets I must admit that is probably the funniest thing I have ever seen so I quickly snapped a few pictures of her and posted it on my Instagram story with the Titel "Passed out girl on the streets come get her😂"...

Thomas: Thomas POV y/n was at her friend's birthday party I was invited, but sadly had to turn it down because of work so y/n went alone I just hope her friends take good care of her unlike Liam did that one time I found her on the street and brought her home myself. while I was at work "Yo Thomas your phone is calling" Dylan said so I quickly answered and it was y/n friend telling me to come get her because she had to much alcohol and couldn't even stand so I quickly told dylan to cover up for me before I drove to the friend of y/n.
"Hey Thomas good you are here!" Nathalie Said
While giving me a little hug. I was leading into the living room where Y/n was passed out in the sofa mumbling things. "Y/n your boyfriend is here!" Nathalie said "T-Thomas Tommy?" she whispered which made me laugh "yea beautiful I'm gonna get you home alright?" I said as I Carried her bridal style back to my car...


Liam: Y/n POV me & Liam hasn't been talking for what feels like forever. He was angry at me after I spoiled a night with his "mates" which turned out to be girls and girls only! I obviously got mad at him to find him cuddling with 4 girls, but it didn't seem to bother him. "Oh relax will you" he laughed and I immediately stormed out. He has been ignoring me in school and I feel so left out so after last class I went to apologize to him! Why? Cause I'm stupid...

Thomas: Y/n POV "y/n I do everything I can to make you happy! Will you just except that and stop complaining about all the gifts I send you!" Thomas yelled "I don't want your gifts Thomas I want you!" I yelled back at him "I don't have any time for f sake! I work, work and work! What the hell do you except!" He yelled as he quickly ran out the front door while slamming it. I cried not sure why, but I just hated arguing with Thomas I was only mad because i never see him. A few hours pass and I was laying in bed unable to sleep until I heard the sound of someone unlocking our frontdoor. I pretended to be asleep so we didn't end up arguing again. He laid back in bed for about 5 minutes before I heard him sign and then I felt his arms wrapped around me. I could tell he wasn't mad anymore just tired so I turned around and placed a gently kiss on his lips before rolling back again. I woke up by my alarm the next morning "'s your alarm" I said tiredly so he turned it off and went back to cuddle "I told them I was sick today so I'm staying right here with you" he said as he kissed my shoulder...

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