Kill me - Newt

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Author: This is one of the saddest imagines I have ever written! If your dealing with suicidal or just find it a tough topic then this may not work out for you. I'm not romanticizing suicidal thoughts. :)
love from me

I didn't think it was possible to cry as much as I have this day, but it happened. I spend most of my evening worrying about why Newt didn't came back from the maze like he always did. The doors to the maze was due to be closed in 2 hours which gave Minho time to go look for Newt. I basically had to force him to do it since I wasn't aloud in there.

I expected Newt and Minho to come back 20 minutes later jogging and laughing like they used to, but it sure wasn't like that. I sat at a small bench helping Frypan cut the vegetables when we all heard a scream. It wasn't a scream of pain more a scream of help. Alby almost flew up and ran towards the maze with the rest of us in his heels. It was Minho who had screamed for help, he needed help to carry the unconscious body that sadly belonged to newt.

"N-newt" I choked on my own words

A few boys helped him out and carried Newt to the med Jacks. Minho was running along

"M-Minho what happened!?" I cried out, not being able to get the vision of poor Newtie out of my mind

"Y/n not now. Frypan get her away from here!" Minho ordered clearly knowing I couldn't see the unconscious body of the person that I loved

"Minho please!" I pegged as Frypan gently tried to pull me away from the whole scene

"He..he was just there" Minho hesitated clearly still in shock of the found of his best friend

"Do you think a griever?" I asked still in tears

He thought for a moment if it would be smart to tell me, but then he just shook his head In a no

"I-...I" I cried out as I fell to my knees. If it wasn't a griever? Then him?

Frypan embraced me in a hug as I watched the chosen boys carry his lifeless body into the med jacks. Why would Newt ever do such a thing?
I cried even more tears as I thought back and forth to why the beloved Newt would do such a terrible thing to himself.

Newts POV

I woke up in a shock, sweat running down my head or was it blood? My vision blurred and my leg in a bandage. I have never experience that much pain as I did now, I clearly wasn't dead.

Why didn't I die?!

My breath began making crazy rhythms. All these questions ran around my head! Why didn't I die?! Why would they try to save me when all I clearly wanted was to die!?

"Newt...are you awake?" A person stood by the end of my bed. It was a blurry, but I pictured him as Minho

I nod a yes "I shouldn't be" I mumbled angry at him

Minho signed as he sat down next to me
"You scared us all Newt. We thought you were dead"

"That was the shucking plan!" I yelled at him almost like a monster tried to escape inside of me

"Why would you ever do such a terrible thing Newt?"
Minho asked calmly, but obviously hurt

"I wanted to stop the pain, but now it's much worse!" I yelled again as I tried to stand up before Clint, Alby and Jeff came in

"Newt! Stay calm lay down again your going to hurt yourself!" Alby tried to calm me

"I'm already hurting enough!" I cried back at him before Clint grabbed my ankle

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