Chapter 1- In the End

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A/N: So I've done it. I finally put to page what has been flitting about my brain for months. This one is going to give us all the feels and perhaps finally give us a better ending for Steve, or at least an ending that won't leave Bucky out in the cold. I'm going to let this fix evolve as I go here as it stands I am not sure what is in store for Evie, but I'm ready to go along for the ride with all of you. Maybe she will end up with Steve, Maybe Bucky maybe both??? Who knows ( I should I guess  :P) But here she goes. Don't forget to vote and comment, let me know what you want to happen!

Chapter 1.

The portal swirled around me the sensation like nothing that I had ever experienced. It was as though the entirety of the universe was trying to press in upon me and all the while everything that was inside of me was trying to escape. I tumbled for what seemed like ages before I emerged violently tumbling to the ground. When I felt the soft earth beneath my knees and smelt the fresh spring air, I couldn't help but gulp it down greedily like a man starved. It felt glorious in my starving lungs. My world did not have such luxury, my world was far from this. My fingers pressed almost painfully into the grass and pine needles that littered the ground. The dirt embedded beneath my fingernails and I revelled in it because that too was something that I had not experienced in far longer than I can even recall. An ache formed at the back of my throat that I desperately tried to calm, because there was no time for this.

I looked back up desperately at the portal searching for him only to find that it had snapped shut behind me.

Where was he?

He was supposed to be right behind me.

I heard the shuffle of feet behind me and out of instinct I turned swiftly pulling my fists up, reaching for a weapon that was no longer there. A weapon lost before I stepped through the portal because this world was supposed to be safe, and no harm should come to me especially if he were beside me. Yet because he was not, I could not quite quell the fear that rose within me. The thought that I was alone, because if I was alone and I was not with him, them who had not yet stepped from the portal. I was very much unsafe in a world that was not my own.

My green eyes rose to find four sets of familiar eyes trained upon me. The sight of all of them only caused a painful sob to fall from my lips, eyes that I had last seen gazing upward in silent death. I panicked. I stood swiftly and turned to run but before I could even manage more than a few metres I was tackled to the ground. A pair of steel colour eyes boring into mine.

Eyes that belonged to a dead man.

And my best friend.

Tears welled in my eyes despite my best effort to swallow them down, "James?" I breathed in barely a whisper my heart pounding as I looked at the man that glared down at me with intense fury. Yet as much fury as his eyes reigned upon me a strange burning relief filled me to see him again, my James, my Bucky.


No. Not mine I had to remind myself.

"Who are you?" He hissed his voice deadly now causing a torrent of  different memories to burn through me. Memories not forgotten, never forgotten but memories not of a pleasant time. The arm he had pressed into my throat felt cold, the metal familiar yet so foreign all the same. I had watched that very arm get torn from his body just before he too was torn to pieces by an army we should have been able to beat.

Yet they had defeated him.

Taken him from me along with so many others.

I couldn't answer him.

Where is he? The errant thought burned through me.

My eyes moved around falling finally to his. It was him.

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