Chapter 28. The Devil's Backbone

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A/N: It's finally here thank you so much for your patience, your kind words, kudos, votes and comments. ILY all! Enjoy.
CW** blood, death and serious injury

I lay in the darkness.

My eyes felt heavy.

My head throbbed.

Everything hurt.

I tried to take a deep breath.

My chest felt heavy.

I sputtered and coughed blood dripping from my lips.

I couldn't take a deep breath without a sudden sharp spear of pain that lanced through me. A pain so intense that it took all clear thought from my mind. I fell in and out of the darkness, falling in and out of the void just as the pain ebbed and flowed around me like an ocean with its mercurial tides.

I died.

I dreamt.

The sun shone through the window, a bright sunny day... I was cold...

No, I was warm there were arms wrapped around me. Two pairs of arms around me.



My twin hearts.

My body lay between theirs the heat of their bodies was warm against mine. Only a thin white sheet covered me.

The room shook violently...

No, the room didn't shake, it was Steve he was whispering in my ear trying to wake me fully asking me if I wanted to go down and let James sleep.


Was James, ok?

I looked over to him quickly and a smile erupted from me smothering the fear that had been in my chest moments before. Steve pulled a robe around my body and took my hand, and we descended the stairs.

The smell of smoke filled my nostrils and I looked alarmed and when I made to voice my fear to Steve, I found him looking at me, a soft smile on his face.

The thought of the smoky smell left my thoughts completely.

We were in my house. The soft sunny sunshine yellow house that I had lived in when Thanos took everything from me.


My heart stumbled uncomfortably in my chest again. There was a sharp pain and I yelped.

Steve was at my side his face filled with concern, "Is it the baby?"

I froze.


His hand went to my stomach, and I was filled with terror and dread.

This was not right.

"It's alright Sunshine," he said, and I felt instantly nauseous.

I looked up at him my eyes fell to his face, there it was the thing I dreaded.

The scar.

This was not the Steve Rogers that I had just fallen head over heels for, the man that reminded me more of the boy I had fallen in love with then the man that I had actually married. This was the man that married me so that no one else could, because he felt as though he had to because he had let the world burn just for me many, many, many, years ago.

"No." the harsh sound fell from my lips.

The smile fell from his face and his expression dimmed in its brightness. The golden morning sunlight  was extinguished. The sky was suddenly washed with dark ominous clouds and rumbling thunder.

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