Chapter 13. Bad Things

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A/N Love this chapter, it is spicing things up a bit read the TW's

**TW heading into Reverse Harem territory, if it's not your thing I totally understand but some ladies don't want to choose. Tw's for fingering, dirty talk and spectacular orgasms. 😅😏

We stepped out of the vehicle and in an instant Steve was at my side, he was at the ready, his body tense, "Stay close." He said after what happened a few days ago he was not willing to take any chances of another portal opening up.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not helpless Rogers," I said scanning the base for Sam.

"I know that," he said as we walked into the hanger, where Sam had his back to us speaking to a group of men and women. "but you can't blame me for being cautious."

I looked up at him for a moment his hair windswept his eyes light, his white t-shirt stark beneath his navy-blue jacket. "We are on a military base. I think if anything were to happen it could be the best place for it."

"Or it could be worse." He said his eyes still laser focused on our surroundings.

I sighed. "I think you are being paranoid. I spent the last five years looking over my shoulder, so what ever Mordo is up to is honestly the least of my worries right now. If the wrong people find out about me, there could be real trouble." My mind floundered for a moment. Was Hydra still around on this world? Would they be eager to get their hands on me, if they discovered my past? There were so many differences between this world and my own already and I felt like I had barely broken the ice on any of it.

"See?" He said, "That is exactly why I am not being paranoid. Believe me, I've spent my share of time running from those that wanted to hurt me too." His shoulders were tense, and he did not turn to me as I spoke.

His body language said he was ready to spring into action, "Well, I don't know what to tell you," I tried to make my voice sound flippant even though I was now starting to worry like he thought I should be, "I am not a damsel in distress, who needs a man to save her from the bad guys." I ground out, "I never have been."

Steve didn't get a chance to respond because Sam turned around and greeted us, "Hey, right on time."

Those gathered around him left shooting hopeful glances towards Steve who nodded respectfully in their direction a tight smile on his face. A smile I understood to be fake, like these men and women were the last ones he wanted to be seeing. It was as though he was uncomfortable here, I thought to ask him, but I knew of course he would most likely leave the question unanswered, especially while we were here. I would table it for later. I did however eye him suspiciously.

"Hey Sam," Steve greeted reaching out to shake Sam's outstretched hand, oblivious of my observation.

"Hey Steve," Sam's kind dark eyes flashed to mine and with a wide grin he caught my expression, "Evelyn, good to see that the two of you haven't killed each other."

"Yet," I was only half joking.

Steve cleared his throat and shifted his weight from foot to foot as his eyes flashed to mine disapprovingly before he turned back to Sam, "What is it you needed to see us about."

Us? I was under the impression Sam wanted to see me and Steve was only here as a self-imposed escort. I raised a brow and turned my attention to Sam as well.

Sam sobered nodding his head, "Right to business I see," he walked back to the long table he had been standing at when we'd entered the hanger. He bent down and picked up his black go bag that was leaning against it, "I have this for Evelyn." He rummaged around inside, "I had to call in a few favours and pull a few strings to get it and you might ask, Sam, why do this for a stranger?" he pulled out a large Manila envelope and set his bag down on the table, "My answer is simple. I saw what was behind that portal when you first came here, and I can't imagine what you went though. What we had to deal with here was more than enough and I can see that what you've dealt with was far worse.  Still, you came here and are willing to help out the folks displaced by the blip, even some of the best folks haven't offered their assistance." I did happen to notice the small glance he offered Steve out of the corner of his eye.

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