Chapter 6 - I want to hold your hand

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A/N: I'm having so much fun writing this I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am. Little titbit, the titles for each chapter if you haven't caught on yet are songs pertinent to each chapter the version of I want to hold your hand is from Across the Universe check it out. Gives me all the feels.

Anyhow, I hope you love this chapter.


"Honestly, I will be fine I don't need you to follow me around all day," I said stalking away from him, "Don't you have more important things to do?" I huffed frustrated as he followed me out of my apartment.

Steve grumbled, "Yes I do but Bucky has an appointment that he can't break, and someone needs to keep an eye on you."

"I am not a child Rogers," I frowned.

He was silent but continued to follow me.

"Can't we get out of here?" I asked knowing that I couldn't spend the rest of the day locked up with him. James had left for this appointment after breakfast and Steve had entered the shared apartment space minutes before he had to leave.

I moved towards the door that led to the elevators and when he didn't stop me the tension lifted from me if only a fraction. I pressed the call button to take us down, "You know," I began, "if you have Captain America stuff to do, don't let me stop you." I bit my lip waiting for his reply. The doors opened and he ushered me into the elevator.

"There is no Captain America stuff," he said his tone clipped suggesting otherwise.

I rose my brows and smirked shaking my head. The elevator doors opened.

"What?" He asked folding his arms over his expansive chest once he entered.

"Nothing." I said mimicking his stance.

He narrowed his eyes then turned to me dropping his arms down to his sides, "If you have something to say, just say it."

I shook my head chuckling because I knew I was getting under his skin.

"Say it." His voice had gone deep, demanding.

A thrill slid up my spine as I followed him into the elevator and I turned to him my arms still folded, "It's just you forget that I know that there is always Captain America stuff."

He blinked surprised.

I turned back to the elevator doors watching the numbers on the display as we descended, "Like right now, I know that you've received no less than six text messages and two phone calls since you relieved James to go to therapy."

Again, he blinked in surprise.

"I was not just a trophy wife Rogers. I have more than a few abilities of my own, I have kept myself alive for a hundred years after all." I took a step closer to the metal doors as we approached. The M lit up crimson and the doors sprung open. I was met with a wide expansive area. It looked expensive, large potted jungle plants decorated the foyer and a burly security guard sat behind a desk with Stark branded upon the front of it. I stepped out onto the grey slate floor. My boots were silent as I stepped. Today my wardrobe had expanded by the return of my boots and a thin black bomber jacket to wear over the same clothes from the day before. I was eager to get outside, to feel the sunshine, to smell the city air, to walk around more than just the roof top. I desperately wanted to get away from this building and see New York in a way that I hadn't been unable to do in so long. I, however, didn't make it very far before Steve's large hand encircled my bicep.

I stopped looking down at his hand before letting my eyes move up his body, and for the briefest moment I allowed myself to take him in. My eyes trailed up his well-muscled arms covered by a navy-blue long-sleeved shirt that stretched in an appealing way over his chest. I knew I was looking longer than I should have. I bit my lip as my eyes slowly found their way to his face falling to his mouth where they lingered before I finally tore them away to meet his eyes.

That I would be your Girl - A Marvel StoryWhere stories live. Discover now