Chapter 25. Iris

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A/N: thank you everyone for all of your support and reads I appreciate you all so much! So without further ado here is the next chapter. Enjoy!
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CW** smut

There was a sharp inhale of breath when we entered the room, and the pain suddenly stopped as swiftly as it came on and I gasped with relief. My hands and feet tingled with the sudden ease of pain my head curled into James's shoulder as I took a shaking breath finally able to fill my lungs again. He held me close to his chest and angry words hissed from his lips, the tone of his voice I hadn't heard in a very, very long time. "I should have fucking known."

I looked up tilting my chin to peer at him then following his gaze. There I found Steve and Doctor Strange standing over a glowing Eye of Agamotto.

I held on to James as though my life depended on it. Although the pain had stopped it still radiated from my bones in aftershocks of agony. My eyes met with Steve's across the room and his face had gone pale and drawn but he remained frozen to the spot his mouth parting in disbelief. I reached my arm out for him to come closer and he began to do so but before he could reach me James turned his body blocking Steve from me with his body.

"No." He said his voice firm and filled with rage daring Steve to argue.

I opened my mouth to speak but James continued before I could even form the question on my lips. His words were directed at Steve, "If I had known what you were doing up here all these weeks, I would have never allowed it."

I tried to pull myself out of his grip, but it only tightened onto me his fingers digging into my ribcage where he held onto me. I gasped because of the pain it caused, but he was so caught up in his own anger at his friend that he didn't seem to notice.

"Bucky," Steve started his voice calm like he was speaking to a wounded beast, "I was doing what I had to. To find her."

A growl reverberated through James's chest, "You were hurting her!" He roared.

There was silence for a moment his loud cry of anger seemed to echo off the walls vibrating my ear drums. Steve was too stunned to speak because of his friends outburst.

I squirmed to get out of his grip, "Let me down James," I said, "there is no more pain." I lied because my bones still ached.

His eyes flashed down to me from where they had been glaring over his shoulder at Steve. They softened a fragment as he set my feet down on the ground even though I knew he didn't want to. When my feet hit the ground, I had to concentrate to keep my knees from wobbling the book still in my grip. Yet they did none the less. Both men lurched for me but stopped when I raised my hand out in front of me. "I'm ok." I said my voice tight.

I couldn't be angry at Steve for what he had done, I could only assume he was using the Eye of Agamotto to find me. It had after all led me to the room where we were now.

James didn't move from my side still placing himself between Steve and I and I couldn't help the love that flashed through me at the action even if I thought it was uncalled for, Steve had only been doing what he thought was the only way to find me.

I placed my hand on James' arm squeezing it lightly I looked up and met his gaze telling him silently that it was alright. I dropped my hand from his arm before I stepped towards Steve. James's body went tight as though he expected Steve to hurt me and the love that had just been in my chest suddenly turned into hurt. How could he think that Steve would hurt me?

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