Chapter 29. - Bang Bang

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A/N: Here it is! I'm putting this chapter out as my Birthday Present to you!

**TW&CW: Violence, hard sex, violent sex, talk of self harm Takes care babes and enjoy


Five years ago

Nat stood behind me with her deft fingers fussing in my hair. An unruly curly was the point of her focus, the strand of hair would not just seem to submit to her will. A thin line formed between her brows, a frown pulling her plush lips down in the corners. I watched her keenly an unreadable expression smoothing out her features as we locked eyes in the mirror as she met my studying gaze. My heart was beating as fast as a hummingbird's more than just nervousness filled my chest and I think she could sense it too.

I glanced away from her to study my own refection and for a moment I was catapulted into the time before the war. It had indeed looked as though I had just stepped through time. Nat had fixed my hair and makeup like had been fashionable it in the forties, she sprayed the unruly hair with a cloud of hairspray it finally bowing to her will as he stepped back to admire her handiwork.

We both stared now at my reflection. The sweetheart neckline of my wedding dress was higher, more modest than most of the modern dresses were now cut. It tapered down into a fitted bodice. The fabric was a sleek and shiny ivory satin that I would never have been able to afford back in the forties. It draped down from a vee shaped waist that flowed into a full-length skirt. The long-fitted sleeves of the gown had so many tiny satin covered buttons from my wrist to my elbow it had taken Nat and I ages to get them all buttoned.  The way in which the sleeves gathered at my shoulders created an altogether timeless 1940's shape.

A simple, full-length veil was pinned into my hair with a crown of fresh white roses and baby's breath to match my bouquet. Yet as beautiful the dress and veil and flowers were, and as beautiful as this wedding would be, as beautiful as I looked... I could not help but have this sick feeling of dread that washed through me like the plague.

I let my fingers move across the smooth satin fabric that draped over my legs. Like everything that had happened after World War II was this awful memory that I was conveniently putting to the side.

Nat caught my eye in the mirror, "You know for someone about to get married you don't look, much like a blushing bride." She sighed and perched on the desk. The brushed rattled on the desktop where she had spread out hours ago. "You know its ok if you don't want to do this anymore." She frowned and folded her arms across her chest, "I know you and Steve have had your differences..."

I scoffed at her words as she trailed off her eyes meeting mine meaningfully. Yes, Steve and I definitely had our differences, but this wedding was what we had always planned. This was what we had always wanted.

Wasn't it?

"I love him Nat," A smile parted my lips, "and marrying the man who gave up everything for me is the least I could do. He loves me too, you know, and he wasn't this, this..." I trailed off because she knew what I was thinking.

"Do you though?" she asked the expression on her face dared me to lie to her. "Maybe you did once, maybe you still love the man he was before he went in the ice, before New York was blown to bits. But that doesn't mean you owe him Evelyn. You can be happy too, and that can be without him."

I swallowed thickly and nodded looking away from her. "This is what was always meant to be."

She hummed as though she was doing so to stop whatever other words were on her lips from coming out. I knew what they were, but Steve and I had agreed to put that ugly past behind us and move forward with the life we had always imagined together.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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