Chapter 23. Cry Little Sister

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A/N & TW: Thank you all for reading I appreciate you all so much, this fic was just a little brain worm at the back of my mind that I thought why not?? That being said on too more serious stuff, lots of blood gore and violence in this chapter, so jump on in and enjoy. Thank you again all.

Bucky POV

To say I was furious would have been the understatement of the century. As the alarms blared, I shouted over to Steve who had an equally furious expression on his face. How the hell had I let this happen? I knew I shouldn't have left that fucking room. I knew that one of us should have stayed with her at all times, but the doctors had told us to walk away, to take a break, to let our minds and bodies take a moment away from staring at Evelyn's sleeping form. It had been three weeks; three weeks that she had laid there so very still. Three weeks I pleaded with her unconscious form to open her eyes, to move a muscle to something other than lay there like a corpse. I even pleaded for her to wake up and attack me, I'd have rather had her out of her mind with another vision than just this.

I had finally found the one person that I had felt a connection with, and now she was just fucking laying there.

We had been gone for less than an hour when the alarms sounded, and I had leapt to my feet running making fleeting eye contact with Steve my own fears reflected right back at me with his own glance. Without a single word we had run back towards her room only to find the hallway jammed with guards that I didn't even realize they had on the property. Her door was bowed outward the indentation of a fist clear for us to see, she had tried with all her strength to escape. I could only imagine what she thought had been happening. I pushed through the crowd of black clad shoulders and into the room, the cool wind brushing against my face from the shattered window before me, the glass gone. It was strewn both inside littering the floor and outside on the ground below. I leaned from the window where I could see the tracks, her bare feet had left indentations in the mud. Footprints that led into the thick forest beyond the borders of the compound.

I braced my hands on the windowsill moments from launching myself over the edge when Steve strode beside me, "Stop Buck." He spoke.

Always the voice of reason.

I shook my head, "I'm going after her."

"So am I." He replied, "but we can't just chase her down through the woods."

"Why not?" I grit my teeth.

"How do you think she would take it, the two of us tearing after her like that."

I could barely look at him, my anger still unresolved from weeks ago. I scoffed my voice raising in anger, "You and I both know we are the only ones who could keep up with her, no matter that she was here ten minutes ago, she is long gone."

Steve made to pull out his cell and I slapped it from his hand, it clattered loudly against the floor, "Since when have you become this careful Steve? You have always just done the right thing without question. This is the right thing, why now are you being cautious?"

Hs lips pressed together and for a minute I didn't think that he was going to reply. We had sat together all of these weeks barely talking barely acknowledging each other but now, now that I was ready to fight this all out in the open, he was tight lipped.

"I can't take risks." He said quietly, "not with her."

All the fight that had been within me dwindled. It was like I'd just been punched in the gut.

"I have fought every moment of my life Buck. I've rushed in and put my body between those I cared about and my enemies and look at how much we lost. How many did we lose in the end? I'm not willing to do that with her, not with Evelyn, not ever."

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