Chapter 27. Ring of Fire

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A/N & Trigger Warnings:

Long time coming so sorry for the wait new chapter is nearly complete already

TW** Smut, Violence and blood


The earth crunched beneath my feet as we walked towards the crumbling city centre, in search of Thanos and his army. To end this horrible part of my life once and for all. Or perhaps to just find our end.   My knees trembled with each step forward that I took. The adrenaline that had pumped though  my veins because of the portal jump was now worn off and left me with a splitting headache. I tried so hard to hold back the well of emotion that swelled within me, emotions that were begging to be let loose.

I couldn't allow that, not here. I would not lose myself to that.

I had to let Thaw take control.

"Hey," James walked behind me to my left. It was as though he could tell that I was on the verge of some sort of switch.

I looked over my shoulder and met his hard eyes. "I'm ok." I said anticipating his next question without him speaking it.

He nodded curtly.  I knew he did not entirely believe that I was fine, but he already knew better than to call me out explicitly because of it. I think I loved him all the more for it.

"What exactly are we looking for here?" Steve interrupted from where he stood beside James flanking my right. His sharp eyes were darting all around. I turned to him and his gaze flashed to my own, deep worry etched between his brows, "I can't help but feel like we are about to walk into something that we are not ready for."

My own eyes darted around, and I couldn't help the enormous feeling of dread that washed over me as well. It was quiet. Too quiet. The army that had been situated here for all of the years that I had been running from Thanos and his goons was gone.  There was no dust on the horizon, no smoke from cook fires, no cries from prisoners or anything of the like. I narrowed my eyes, looking up to the night sky. There was not even a space craft in the sky. Thanos's giant ship included. "I don't know." I said finally agreeing with him, "But I think you're right, something is up."

As if on cue there was the roaring of a ship in the distance and James shoved me into the space between two crumbling buildings. "Stay low." His voice growled in my ear as he moved closer to me.

All at once there was a cacophony of sound, more and more ships followed the first abruptly entering the atmosphere where they looked like a swarm. The stars were no longer visible above, just the lights and roaring engines of his army. The fleet was returning from wherever it was they had been, wherever that Thanos had needed all of his ships, all of his soldiers. A sudden lump formed at the back of my throat. Nothing good could come of this, I had never seen him move all of his ships before, what was it that had needed his entire attention. I couldn't help but think it had something to do with me.

Steve hissed, "Do you hear that?" He looked at James over my head and James nodded. I had heard it too. The ponding sound of countless heavy footfalls trudging over the land. Thrumming like the beat of a war drum, this was the sound of the entirety of his army returning. They were far enough away that we should be able to find somewhere to hide ourselves as they made it passed us and back to the camp.

I found myself being pressed into the ground a strong hand over the back of my head holding me down. "Stay down," it was James's soft voice in my ear, "I've got you." I could feel the pounding of his heart as he pressed himself into my back. I couldn't help but desperately wish that we would never have to be in this situation ever again after we left here.

If we left here. That weak voice in the back of my head spoke to me again. Questioning me for the thousandth time that day as to if we made the right decision in coming here in the first place.

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